
Baptisms Holy Trinity Church 1771 - 1812

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester September 2010
[Last updated Aug 2021 - 922 Baptism Records]

Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church Dorchester - circa 1954
© Michael Russell FIPD

Note:- The original file created in Sep 2010 was a name index sourced from the Church of Latter Day Saints International Genealogical Index - which was compiled from their extraction programme on Film Number 1279495. Most records have now [April 2012] been checked against the original parish register and (PR) added at the end of the row to show transcription complete. They have also been checked against another copy of that register and where the spelling of names differ from the original the alternative spelling is also given in brackets. The original records are more complete and this exercise has added 103 baptisms to the original file. I have still however to locate the original parish or copy register for the period 1786-1795.

Many baptisms were carried out privately - not necessarily in Dorchester - and the children not received into the church until later; in some cases many years later. The entries in the parish register were generally made when they were received into Holy Trinity Church, not when they were originally baptised elsewhere. I have cross referenced as the original transcriptions from the IGI (which have been carried across into's database) correctly record the baptism dates but give the impression that the event occurred at that date at Holy Trinity which is not the case.

01 Jan 1771 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth GOULD baptised (PR)
01 Jan 1771 - Joseph Antrim son of Samuel and Mary HAYDON baptised (PR)
08 Jan 1771 - John son of John and Elizabeth HINTON baptised (P R)
01 Feb 1771 - Daniel son of John and Bridgett STAYNER baptised (PR)
15 Feb 1771 - Charles & Diana son and daughter of Charles and Mary LISTER baptised (PR)
20 Feb 1771 - John baseborn son of Betty DILLER baptised (PR)
27 Feb 1771 - Elizabeth daughter of Francis and Ann POTTER baptised (PR)
10 Mar 1771 - Thomas son of Thomas and Ann PYNE baptised (PR)
07 Apr 1771 - Sarah daughter of George and Eleanor STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of George Stickland to Eleanor Gundry at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 1st June 1760]

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

31 May 1771 - John son of James and Joanna COLLINS baptised (PR)
18 July 1771 - Thomas son of Thomas and Mary WHETHAM baptised (PR)
16 Aug 1771 - Maria daughter of John and Mary TRIM baptised (PR)
28 Aug 1771 - Mary daughter of Charles and Dinah CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [Note 2nd child from the marriage of Charles CHURCHILL to Dianh Phelps at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 22nd Nov1767. May died and was buried 2 days later]
08 Sep 1771 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Sarah PURSE baptised (PR)
13 Oct 1771 - Richard son of Richard and Elizabeth PHIPPARD baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard and Elizabeth PHIPPARD]
21 Oct 1771 - James son of Emanuel and Mary FEAVER baptised (PR)
15 Nov 1771 - Stephen son of Amos and Mary DENNIS baptised (PR)
20 Nov 1771 - John son of Thomas & Elizabeth BARGE baptised (PR)
01 Dec 1771 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Ann GRITTEN baptised (PR)
11 Dec 1771 - Sarah baseborn daughter of Sarah SMITH [SMYTH] baptised (PR)

05 Jan 1772 - Jane baseborn daughter of Mary SERJEANT baptised (PR)
22 Jan 1772 - Martha daughter of Edward and Miriam BLY baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 5th Apr 1772]
14 Feb 1772 - James son of John and Margaret BISHOP baptised (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of John BISHOP to Margaret EVOMY at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 05-Jul 1756 ]
22 Feb 1772 - Ann daughter of Joseph and Grace SEAL baptised (PR)
10 Apr 1772 - Samuel son of Thomas and Mary MEADER baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

17 May 1772 - Maria Magdelena daughter of Carl: Adolph: GOERGSLINNER baptised (PR)
22 May 1772 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Jane CAYNES baptised (PR)[Note:- See Marriage at All Saints Church Dorchester when John CAINES [CAYNES] of the parish of Holy Trinity & Jane TALBOT otp were married by Banns 19 Sept 1768 for more information about this family - Elizabeth was buried at HT 16 Jan 1774]
23 May 1772 - James & Isaac sons of James and Ann DOMINY baptised (PR)
09 Jun 1772 - Joseph son of William and Judith READ baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 11 Jul 1772]
08 July 1772 - Eleanor daughter of Robert and Mary CLARKE baptised (PR)
09 July 1772 - Jane daughter of George and Mary CULME [CURME] baptised (PR)
05 Aug 1772 - George son of George and Susanna ELFORD [HELFORD] baptised (PR) [Note:- Later became a Dorset Seaman present at the battle of Trafalgar 21st Oct 1805]
11 Aug 1772 - James son of William and Frances SLYFIELD baptised (PR)
22 Aug 1772 - John son of James and Susanna Sarah (Sic) POOK baptised (PR)
04 Sep 1772 - Jane daughter of Richard and Sarah CANTERBURY baptised [Note:- 13th child from the marriage of Richard CANTERBURY of HT to Sarah LOCK of Broadmayne at HT on 18th Aug 1751 - Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 29 Nov 1772]
07 Sep 1772 - Frances daughter of George and Mary LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of George LOCK (1780-1837) to Mary POUNCY (1740-1796) who married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764]
16 Sep 1772 - Elizabeth Williams daughter of Robert and Elizabeth FRICKER baptised (PR)
11 Oct 1772 - Charles son of William and Mary KING baptised (PR)
27 Dec 1772 - Mary daughter of Peter and Mary STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769]

27 Jan 1773 - John son of John and Jane DARBY baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John DARBY [DERBY] to Jane ELLIOTat HT on 9th Jan 1771]
29 Jan 1773 - John White son of John and Mary GARLAND baptised (PR)
28 Feb 1773 - John and Philip sons of John and Elizabeth ELLIOTT baptised (PR) [Note:- Both buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 8th March 1773]
07 Mar 1773 - Elizabeth daughter of Edward and Miriam BLY baptised (PR)
21 Mar 1773 - James son of Robert and Honour CRABTREE baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried at HT 06 Sep 1774]
11 Apr 1773 - Ann daughter of Benjamin and Jane LIGHT baptised } 4th Light Dragoons (PR)
18 Apr 1773 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth GRIMWOOD baptised } 4th light Dragoons (PR)
09 May 1773 - Hannah daughter of Samuel and Rachel COLLINS baptised (PR)
16 May 1773 - William Smyth baseborn son of Rachel GREEN baptised (PR) [Note:- See Vestry minutes 21st Mar 1773 Rachel Green was sent to the Hospital i.e. workhouse by the Overseers of the poor; the fathers surname is klikely to have been SMITH]
23 May 1773 - Frances daughter of William and Priscilla PAINTER baptised (PR)
23 May 1773 - Mary daughter of James and Mary KEATES baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

24 Jun 1773 - Susanna daughter of John and Bridget STAYNER baptised (PR)
23 July 1773 - Ann daughter of Richard and Mary JONES baptised (PR)
04 Aug 1773 - Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth BARGE baptised (PR)
15 Aug 1773 - Samuel son of Samuel and Mary BROWN baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Samuel BROWN to Mary WEBBER at Holy Trinity dorchester on 22nd May 1763]
22 Aug 1773 - Samuel & Charity son and daughter of Samuel and Mary RUMSEY baptised (PR)
22 Aug 1773 - Elizabeth daughter of Edward and Elizabeth LISTER baptised (PR)
18 Oct 1773 - Thomas son of John and Jane DARBY baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John DARBY [DERBY] to Jane ELLIOTat HT on 9th Jan 1771]
26 Nov 1773 - Morgan & Richard sons of John and Elizabeth GOULD baptised (PR)
07 Dec 1773 - Jane daughter of Amos and Mary DENNIS baptised (PR)
16 Dec 1773 - George Voss son of Henry and Elizabeth COX baptised (PR)
21 Dec 1773 - John son of Richard and Sarah CANTERBURY baptised (PR) [14th child from the marriage of Richard CANTERBURY of HT to Sarah LOCK of Broadmayne at HT on 18th Aug 1751 John buried at HT on 23 Aug 1774]
25 Dec 1773 - James son of Abraham and Susanna DAMON baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1773 - John son of John and Elizabeth MINES baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1773 - Ann daughter of Nathaniel and Mary SEAL baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1773 - Sarah daughter of John and Jane KAINES [CAYNES] baptised (PR) [Note:- See Marriage at All Saints Church Dorchester when John CAINES [CAYNES] of the parish of Holy Trinity & Jane TALBOT otp were married by Banns 19 Sept 1768 for more information about this family]
27 Dec 1773 - Ann daughter of William and Judith READ baptised (PR)

19 Jan 1774 - John baseborn son of Mary HAYWARD baptised (PR) [Note the father is John BARTLET see Vestry minutes for Holy Trinity Church dated 11th January 1778]
16 Feb 1774 - Samuel son of Thomas and Anne INGRAM baptised (PR)
16 Mar 1774 - Elizabeth baseborn daughter of Elizabeth FERRIL baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Surname spelt various ways inc FARREL; FENNOL; FERRIL; FERREL Etc - See Vestry Minutes for the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester dated 12th Dec 1773 where it states "Eliz: FENOLL be forthwith sent to the Hospital (i.e. workhouse) This would have been for her to give birth. She would then have been examined by the Overseer of the poor to ascertain the identity of the father and if possible he would have been required to fund her lying in at the hospital and give weekly support for the child. From minutes dated 15th April 1774 it would appearthat he was not available as the overseers agree to pay her 1 shilling per week for her child. On 24th May 1775 she is paid another 6d a week for giving temporary lodgings to someone in the Militia while they were in Dorchester. It was a constant complaint from many churchwardens and overseers of the poor that they were obliged to pay for lodgings for militia men. Whilst they generally supported their own militia men it became a problem when there was a treat of invasion and larger numbers from the surrounding area were mustered in one place. Here we have a classic example of the parish vestry at work as Elizabeth married in All Saints church in Dorchester to Thomas STUCKEY on 31st August 1775. The witnesses at her wedding were George LOCK and William NORMAN the Overseers of the poor for Holy Trinity Parish who were paying for the care of her bastard child. The vestry minutes for 10th Sep 1775 reflect her married status and they agree an additional sixpence to Elizabeth and three shillings to buy the child 'necessities'. When Elizabeth married she took on the place of settlement of her husband which in this case was All Saints Parish in Dorchester]
03 Apr 1774 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Mary FINDER baptised (PR)
13 Apr 1774 - Lucy Bascomb daughter of George and Susanna ELFORD baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 30th Oct 1774]

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

01 May 1774 - William son of Peter and Mary STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769]
08 May 1774 - Charles son of Thomas and Mary MEADER baptised (PR)
29 May 1774 - William son of John and Sarah YONGUE baptised (PR)
05 Jun 1774 - Hannah daughter of John and Ann BRIDPORT baptised (PR)
05 Jun 1774 - James son of Robert and Mary CURM [CURME] baptised (PR)
15 July 1774 - Mary daughter of Joseph and Grace SEAL baptised (PR)
20 July 1774 - Mary daughter of John and Mary GARLAND baptised (PR)
14 Aug 1774 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Martha CLARK baptised (PR)
14 Aug 1774 - Thomas son of Charles and Mary CRITCHAL [CRITCHELL] baptised (PR)
04 Sep 1774 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth WOOD baptised (PR)
25 Sep 1774 - Elizabeth daughter of James and Ann MABY baptised (PR)
27 Oct 1774 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth OLDIS baptised (PR)
30 Oct 1774 - William son of William and Sarah WILLIAMS baptised (PR)
20 Nov 1774 - Thomas son of Samuel and Mary HITCHCOCK baptised (PR)
04 Dec 1774 - Jane daughter of Robert and Mary CLARK baptised (PR)

03 Jan 1775 - Sarah daughter of George and Mary LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of George LOCK (1780-1837) to Mary POUNCY (1740-1796) who married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764]
26 Jan 1775 - John son of Susanna PERKINS baptised (PR)
26 Jan 1775 - William son of George and Eleanor STICKLAND baptised (PR)
08 Feb 1775 - John son of John and Ann CURM [CURME] baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John CURME to Ann RANDALL at HT on 24th Apr 1774]
16 Apr 1775 - John son of John and Esther MILLAR baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

17 May 1775 - Jane daughter of William and Jane OLD baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William OLD to Jane Norman at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Sep 1774]
06 Jun 1775 - Sarah daughter of Thomas and Mary LOCKET baptised (PR)
14 Jun 1775 - Jane daughter of William and Jane NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William NORMAN Junior to Jane FORE at Godmanstone 20 Jan 1774]
25 Jun 1775 - Mary daughter of Henry and Elizabeth BRIDGER baptised (PR)
27 Jun 1775 - William Rush son of William CHURCHILL Esq of Colliton & Jane his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st known child of William CHURCHILL (1738-1799) by his wife Jane (1747-1801) ]
    [Note:- Revd. William Rush Hallet Churchill BA (1775-1847)' was the son of William Churchill (1738-1799) of Colliton House Dorchester. He was baptised in Dorchester at Holy Trinity Church on 27th June 1775 and educated at Worcester College Oxford where he matriculated 7th March 1792 at the age of 17 and was awarded his BA in 1795 and became a fellow of the college. He was ordained a deacon at Christchurch Oxford 24th Dec 1797 and as a priest 17th Feb 1799. His church record shows that he was appointed Rector of Witherstone on 12th June 1799 and then instituted as Rector of Bettiscombe on 31st Dec 1799. Rector of Shaftsbury St Rumbold 16th Sep 1800 until his appointment as Rector of Winterborne Anderston 3rd July 1806. He married with a marriage settlement circa 1800 to Martha (surname possibly Tanner) and they had six children as shown below. In 1840 he was the main beneficiary under the Will of Mary SHERGOLD spinster of Dorchester.

    (1) Eliza Sophia Churchill privately bap 15th Mar 1799 and received into HT church Dorchester on 8th Oct 1801 with younger sister
    (2) Frances Caroline Churchill privately bap 16th May 1801 and received into HT with elder sister 8th Oct 1801
    (3) William Churchill privately bap 28th May 1803 received into HT Church Dorchester on 21 Jan 1808 ; He was educated at Worcester College where he matriculated 7th March 1821aged 18; BA 1825; Rector of Winterbourne Stickland Dorset 1824-1884. Died 1st July 1886
    (4) Georgina Louisa Churchill privately bap 1st Mar 1805 received into HT Church 9th Dec 1809
    (5) Emma Ann Churchill privately bap 20 Sep 1806 received into HT Church 9th Dec 1809
    (6) George Churchill BA privately bap 15 Mar 1811 received into HT Church 28th dec 1812; educated at Worcester College Oxford where he matriculated 13th May 1829 aged 18 BA 1833 said to be of Alderholt Dorset

    The alumni gives his death as 11th Jan 1847 and he was buried at Piddlehinton in Dorset aged 72 on 19th Jan 1847. His Will is at the National Archives proved 17th Feb 1847. ]
05 Oct 1775 - John son of John and Bridget STAYNER baptised (PR)
26 Oct 1775 - Jane daughter of Thomas and Mary BRINE baptised (PR)
29 Oct 1775 - Nathaniel son of Elizabeth SEAL baptised (PR)
03 Dec 1775 - John son of James and Mary WOOD baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 10 Jan 1776]
26 Dec 1775 - Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Sarah OLIVER baptised (PR)

24 Jan 1776 - William son of Thomas and Elizabeth BRIDGE baptised (PR)
03 Mar 1776 - Thomas son of Joseph and Martha TANN baptised (PR)
03 Mar 1776 - Sarah daughter of James and Martha SOMER baptised (PR)
05 Mar 1776 - William son of Samuel and Mary RUMSEY baptised (PR)
10 Mar 1776 - Amos son of Amos and Mary DENNIS baptised (PR)
24 Mar 1776 - Anne daughter of Edward and Elizabeth LISTER baptised (PR)
27 Mar 1776 - John PHILIPS baseborn baptised (PR) [Note:- buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 4th Sep 1776 described as an infant]
12 May 1776 - Sarah daughter of William and Mary SUMMERS baptised (PR)
19 May 1776 - Susannah daughter of John and Ann LONG baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

21 Jun 1776 - Matthew baseborn son of Jane METEYARD baptised (PR)
14 July 1776 - Peter son of Peter and Mary STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769 - Peter junior buried HT 26 Oct 1777]
04 Aug 1776 - John son of John and Mary TRIM baptised (PR)
11 Aug 1776 - Frances daughter of James and Frances KING baptised (PR)
25 Aug 1776 - Elizabeth daughter of Harry and Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of Harry POUNCY to Elizabeth LOCK at Charminster 18th March 1771 Elizabeth junior married John GALPIN of Al Saints 7th Aug 1800]
28 Sep 1776 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Fanny BUDE baptised (PR)
13 Oct 1776 - Thomas son of Joseph and Grace SEAL baptised (PR)
20 Oct 1776 - John son of John and Ann BODKIN baptised (PR) [Note:- He enlisted into the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons in 1795 - Link to his Military Service Record]
11 Nov 1776 - Mary daughter of Francis and Ann ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
01 Dec 1776 - Hannah daughter of William and Hannah SHAVE baptised (PR)
29 Dec 1776 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Ann GRITTON baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1776 - Susanna daughter of James and Elizabeth Mary (Sic) WOOD baptised (PR)
31 Dec 1776 - Ann daughter of John and Sarah NELSON baptised (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of John Nelson to Sarah Clare HT 13 Aug 1775]

01 Jan 1777 - William son of William and Jane OLD baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William Old to Jane Norman at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Sep 1774]
02 Feb 1777 - William son of William and Constant BLYTH baptised (PR)
03 Feb 1777 - Thomas Gilbert son of John and Mary GARLAND baptised (PR)
23 Mar 1777 - Robert son of Laurence and Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Laurence POUNCY to Elizabeth NEWMAN at HT Church on 16th May 1776]
23 Mar 1777 - William son of William and Edith WOOD baptised (PR)
30 Mar 1777 - William Edwards son of Edward and Mary THOMPSON baptised (PR)
23 Apr 1777 - George son of George and Mary LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of George LOCK (1780-1837) to Mary POUNCY (1740-1796) who married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764]

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

08 Jun 1777 - Rebecca daughter of William and Rebecca VALANCE baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William VALENCE to Rebecca PADDOCK at HT Church Dorchester on 17th Apr 1777]
16 July 1777 - William son of William and Jane NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William NORMAN Junior to Jane FORE at Godmanstone 20 Jan 1774]
14 Sep 1777 - William son of Thomas and Elizabeth HARDY baptised (PR)
28 Sep 1777 - Patience daughter of William and Sarah WILLIAMS baptised (PR)
17 Oct 1777 - John son of John and Ann CURM [CURME] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John CURME to Ann RANDALL at HT on 24th Apr 1774]
22 Oct 1777 - Sarah daughter of Thomas and Mary HOUNSEL baptised (PR)
23 Nov 1777 - Elizabeth daughter of Ann NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- See Vestry minutes 26th February 1786 when Elizabeth aged 8 years is sent into the workhouse]
25 Dec 1777 - Thomas son of Roger and Elizabeth ANDREWS baptised (PR)

05 Jan 1778 - Robert son of Robert and Ann TRIVET baptised (PR)
13 Jan 1778 - John son of James and Mary WOOD baptised (PR)
15 Jan 1778 - John & Ann son and daughter of John and Elizabeth GOULD baptised (PR)
10 Mar 1778 - Thomas son of Edward and Elizabeth JACKSON baptised (PR) [Note:- Joined the 3rd Regiment Dragoons 7th April 1793 aged 18/19 - served 25 years 11 months Link to Soldiers Service & Pension Records ]
22 Mar 1778 - Rebecca daughter of Thomas and Rebecca COX baptised (PR)
22 Mar 1778 - Thomas Gatehouse son of James and Sarah BESANT baptised (PR) [1st child from the marriage of James Miller Besant (1741-1792) to Sarah Gatehouse at St John the Baptist Church in North Cheriton Somerset in 1777]
29 Mar 1778 - Joseph son of William and Jane HOLT baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

24 May 1778 - Cristian daughter of John and Esther MILLER baptised (PR)
01 Jun 1778 - Sarah & Eleanor daughters of Harry and Eleanor PHELPS baptised (PR)
20 Jun 1778 - John son of William CHURCHILL Esq & Jane his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child of William CHURCHILL (1738-1799) by his wife Jane (1747-1801) ]
24 Jun 1778 - Sarah Bezant daughter of Edward and Elizabeth LISTER baptised (PR)
01 July 1778 - Edward son of William and Jane OLD baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William Old to Jane Norman at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Sep 1774]
26 July 1778 - Thomas son of Richard and Mary JONES baptised (PR)
01 Aug 1778 - Sarah daughter of Stephen and Tabitha NOBBS baptised (PR)
13 Sep 1778 - Harriet daughter of Susanna ELMS baptised (PR)
20 Sep 1778 - Jane daughter of Samuel and Mary RUMSEY baptised (PR)
27 Sep 1778 - Isaac son of James and Ann MABY, or MABER (Sic) baptised (PR)
25 Oct 1778 - Martha daughter of James and Martha NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note 1st child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]
06 Nov 1778 - Joseph son of David and Sarah FELTHAM baptised (PR)
08 Nov 1778 - Margaret daughter of James and Margaret JUDD baptised (PR)
20 Nov 1778 - Thomas son of Amos and Mary DENNIS baptised (PR)
25 Dec 1778 - Thomas son of John and Ann CHETTLE baptised (PR)
25 Dec 1778 - Thomas Combes son of John and Bridget STAYNER baptised (PR)
27 Dec 1778 - John son of Thomas and Elizabeth BRINE baptised (PR)
27 Dec 1778 - Jane daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth HODDY baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1778 - William son of John and Mary TRIM baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1778 - John son of John and Sarah TINEHAM baptised (PR)

11 Jan 1779 - Robert & George sons of George and Kitty ANDREWS baptised (PR)
12 Feb 1779 - Sarah daughter of Robert and Jane GROVES baptised (PR)
18 Apr 1779 - Thomas son of Peter and Mary STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769]

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

09 May 1779 - James Rual STAYNER son of John and Bridget STAYNER baptised (PR)
24 May 1779 - Archibald son of James and Sarah RICHARDS baptised (PR)
26 May 1779 - Esther daughter of James and Sarah BESANT baptised (PR) [2nd child from the marriage of James Miller Besant (1741-1792) to Sarah Gatehouse at St John the Baptist Church in North Cheriton Somerset in 1777]
02 July 1779 - Sarah baseborn daughter of Ann ROBERTS baptised born at Pokeswell (PR)
11 July 1779 - James son of Robert and Sarah MILLER baptised (PR)
18 July 1779 - Jonathan son of Jonathan COPE Lieutenant in ye 1st Regiment of Dragoon Guards and Annabella his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- stationed at Fordington Barracks]
04 Aug 1779 - Mary daughter of John and Sarah NELSON baptised (PR)
19 Sep 1779 - Charles son of Thomas and Sarah MORGAN baptised (PR)
26 Sep 1779 - Thomas son of John and Sarah BRUSHET baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from marriage of John BRUSHETT to Sarah HAYDON at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 12th Nov 1778]
03 Oct 1779 - John & Joseph sons of Francis and Ann ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd and 2nd children from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
05 Oct 1779 - Andrew son of William and Frances SLYFIELD baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1779 - Theodosia daughter of Joseph and Ann JOHNSON baptised (PR)

09 Jan 1780 - Lucy daughter of William and Mary WHITE baptised (PR)
11 Feb 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Eleanor ANTRIM baptised (PR)
05 Mar 1780 - William son of George and Mary LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of George LOCK (1780-1837) to Mary POUNCY (1740-1796) who married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764]William married Ann BASCOMBE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 1st May 1800]
21 Mar 1780 - John son of Ambrose and Ann OLD baptised (PR)
04 Apr 1780 - Sophia daughter of William CHUCHILL Esq & Jane his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of William CHURCHILL (1738-1799) by his wife Jane (1747-1801) ]
09 Apr 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth KEECH baptised (PR)
21 May 1780 - Maria daughter of William and Mary WILLS baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register initialed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

16 Jun 1780 - Joanna daughterv of John and Elizabeth GOULD baptised (PR)
22 Jun 1780 - Jane daughter of John and Sarah TINHAM baptised (PR)
29 Jun 1780 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary POUNCY baptised (PR)
19 July 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of James and Elizabeth GARRET baptised (PR)
30 July 1780 - Sarah daughter of Thomas and Sarah CULME [CURME] baptised (PR) [ Note:- Child from the marriage of Thomas CURME to Sarah WHEELER at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28 Jan 1778 ]
15 Aug 1780 - Sarah daughter of John and Ann CHETTLE baptised (PR)
20 Aug 1780 - William son of William and Elizabeth MILLS baptised (PR)
01 Oct 1780 - John son of Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR)
04 Oct 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Jane OLD baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William Old to Jane Norman at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Sep 1774]
07 Dec 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth CORBIN baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Jacob CORBIN (d.1787) a shipwright by trade married Elizabeth SHEPHERD by licence on 13th Dec 1764 in her home parish of Maiden Newton in Dorset. They came to Dorchester in 1780 but when Jacob died there in April 1787 his body was retuned to Maiden Newton for burial which took place on 29th April 1787. Children from the marriage were (1) Jane Corbin (1766-1768) bap 15th Nov 1766 at Melcombe Regis and buried at Jenny Corbin on 24th Jan 1768 at Maiden Newton (2) George Corbin (b.1769) bap 19th Mar 1769 at Evershot (3) James Corbin (1776-1793) born on 4th and bap on 13th May 1776 at Evershot; he was later buried at Holy Trinity church in Dorchester on 6th Jan 1793. (4) John Corbin (b.1778) bap 14th Oct 1778 at Evershot (5) Elizabeth Corbin (1780-1783) Bap at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 18th Dec 1780 she was buried there on 27th Feb 1783 (6) Kitty Corbin (d.1784) buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorcjester on 12th Sep 1784. ]
20 Dec 1780 - Elizabeth daughter of George Catharine ANDREWS baptised (PR)
25 Dec 1780 - Mary daughter of Roger and Rebecca ANDREWS baptised (PR)
31 Dec 1780 - Ann daughter of James and Mary SEALS baptised
31 Dec 1780 - Mary daughter of Stephen and Tabatha NOBBS baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1781 - Ann daughter of James and Mary WOOD baptised (PR)
02 Jan 1781 - Mary daughetr of John and Ann NELSON baptised (PR)
10 Jan 1781 - Benjamin son of Benjamin and Susanna TULLIDGE baptised (PR)
25 Jan 1781 - Joseph son of William and Jane NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William NORMAN Junior to Jane FORE at Godmanstone 20 Jan 1774]
15 Feb 1781 - Robert son of Robert and Jane GROVES baptised (PR)
18 Feb 1781 - Eleanor daughter of Luke and Elizabeth STYLE baptised (PR)
25 Feb 1781 - Mary daughter of Edward and Betty LESTER baptised (PR)
25 Mar 1781 - William son of James and Sarah SUMMERS baptised (PR)
25 Mar 1781 - Ann ye base-born daughter of Frances HOLT baptised (PR) [Note:- See Vestry Minutes for 20th May 1780 when Overseers agree to pay 20/- for her months lying in and pay her house rent for that period]
26 Apr 1781 - James son of James and Martha NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note 2nd child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]
06 May 1781 - Richard son of Richard and Susanna SEYARD baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

07 Jun 1781 - Joseph son of Richard and Mary JONES (PR)
27 Jun 1781 - John son of Francis and Ann ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
03 July 1781 - Elizabeth Abbot daughter of John and Maryu TRIM baptised (PR)6th May 1773 when she was awrded six pence
19 Aug 1781 - Ann daughter of John and Sarah CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [1st child from the marriage of John Churchill and Sarah Morris who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 15th May 1780]
24 Aug 1781 - Sarah daughter of Thomas and Mary ABRAHAM baptised (PR)
03 Oct 1781 - James Miller son of James and Sarah BESANT baptised (PR) [3rd child from the marriage of James Miller Besant (1741-1792) to Sarah Gatehouse at St John the Baptist Church in North Cheriton Somerset in 1777]
21 Oct 1781 - Fanny daughter of George and Elizabeth*(sic) LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st and only child from the marriage of LOCK (1730-1807) from the parish of Milborne St Andrew & Elizabeth BARGE of the parish of Holy Trinity who married by Banns 15-Mar 1781 at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester]
24 Oct 1781 - Richard son of Richard and Sarah OLIVER baptised (PR)
25 Nov 1781 - Thomas son of Edward and Dinah YAETMAN [YEATMAN] baptised (PR)
09 Dec 1781 - Elizabeth daughter of Peter and Mary HICKLEN [STICKLEN] baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769]

01 Jan 1782 - William son of James and Jane HARVEY baptised (PR)
20 Jan 1782 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Ann PARSONS baptised (PR)
29 Jan 1782 - Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth MILLS baptised (PR)
11 Feb 1782 - John son of John and Mary HONEYBONE baptised (PR)
27 Feb 1782 - Elizabeth Weeks daughter of Robert TAUNTON Clerk L.L.D. Vicar of Sydland & Frances his wife was privately baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Rev Robert TAUNTON LLB (1743 - 1797) was the son of William TAUNTON of Stratton in Dorset a Gentleman. He graduated at Trinity College Oxford where he matriculated on 10th April 1761 aged 18. and was made a Fellow of New College obtaining BCL degree in 1769 and DCL in 1777. He was ordained as a deacon at St Mary the Virgin Church Oxford on 22nd June 1766 and a priest in the Episcopal Chapel at the Bishops Palace Sarum a year later. Also a Fellow of Winchester College, he was appointed vicar of Sydling St Nicholas in Dorset on 17th Aug 1771 and Rector of North Perrot Somerset on 23rd September 1777. The Alumni also says he was Rector of Alton Barns Wiltshire in 1778 until his death 17th July 1797. Other children John Hearne bap HT 30th March 1783. Alumni states Father of William Leonard Taunton 1797]
01 Mar 1782 - William son of William and Christain ZELWOOD baptised (PR)
03 Mar 1782 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Ann PHIPEN baptised (PR)
10 Mar 1782 - Mary daughter of John and Sarah BRUSHET baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from marriage of John BRUSHETT to Sarah HAYDON at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 12th Nov 1778]
10 Mar 1782 - William son of Laurence and Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Laurence POUNCY to Elizabeth NEWMAN at HT Church on 16th May 1776]
24 Mar 1782 - Robert ye baseborn son of Honour HONEYBUN born at Pool & baptised at Dorchester (PR)
11 Apr 1782 - John & Elisha son & daughter of Samuel and Rebecca HAYNE baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th and 5th children from the marriage of Samuel HAYNE to Rebecca TILLY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 28th Jan 1773]
18 May 1782 - Mary & George daughter & son of George and Sarah POUNCEY baptised (PR)
19 May 1782 - Sarah daughter of William and Martha WHIFFIN baptised (PR)
22 May 1782 - John son of Jonathan and Ann DEARE baptised (PR)
26 May 1782 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth COZENS baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

18 Jun 1782 - Morgan son of Mr. Morgan and Elizabeth YEATMAN baptised (PR)
28 Aug 1782 - Thomas son of Thomas and Mary POUNCEY baptised (PR)
08 Sep 1782 - Susanna daughter of George and Susanna ELLFORD baptised (PR)
27 Sep 1782 - Ann daughter of Frank and Ann ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
29 Sep 1782 - Charles son of James and Sarah SUMMERS baptised (PR)
06 Oct 1782 - George son of John and Sarah CRABTREE baptised (PR)
28 Oct 1782 - Mary daughter of William and Jane OLD baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William Old to Jane Norman at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Sep 1774]
29 Oct 1782 - Benjamin son of John and Ann CHETTLE baptised (PR)
03 Nov 1782 - Stephen son of Stephen and Tabitha NOBBS baptised (PR)
15 Nov 1782 - John Jacob son of John and Sarah NELSON baptised (PR)
17 Nov 1782 - Thomas son of George and Elizabeth RANDELL baptised (PR)
29 Nov 1782 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth CHAPPLE baptised (PR)

01 Jan 1783 - James son of James and Mary WOOD baptised (PR)
08 Jan 1783 - John son of Benjamin and Susanna TULLIDGE baptised (PR)
15 Jan 1783 - Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Mary CHURCHILL baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Joseph & Mary CHURCHILL: 1st of 3 children known to Joseph & Mary (not found marriage) in Dorchester in HT moved to FStG for Sarah 1787 and Mary 1798. Joseph was buried at FStG 1st Mar 1789]
20 Jan 1783 - Sebastian son of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER baptised (PR)
22 Jan 1783 - Sarah daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth KEECH baptised (PR)
25 Jan 1783 - Jesse son of Joseph and Mary LUCAS baptised (PR)
25 Jan 1783 - John son of William and Sarah WILLIAMS baptised (PR)
24 Mar 1783 - John son of David and Sarah KELLTON baptised (PR)
30 Mar 1783 - John Hearne son of Robert and Frances TAUNTON, Clerk L.L.D. Vicar of Sydland, & Frances his wife was privately baptised (PR)
02 Apr 1783 - John son of Joseph and Mary SEAL baptised (PR)
21 Apr 1783 - William son of John and Ann CURME baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John CURME to Ann RANDALL at HT on 24th Apr 1774]
21 Apr 1783 - Mary daughter of Richard and Mary JONES baptised (PR)
08 Jun 1783 - Jenny daughter of William and Jenny HOLT baptised (PR)
15 Jun 1783 - Ann daughyter of Joshua and Ann GREEN baptised (PR)
03 July 1783 - Martha daughter of James and Martha NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note 3rd child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]
07 July 1783 - Joseph son of Samuel and Jane GILLINGHAM baptised (PR)
07 July 1783 - John son of John and Mary DODSON baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev N: Templeman Rector]

08 Oct 1783 - Henry the son of Philip and Elizabeth SAUNDERS (PR)
19 Oct 1783 - Mary the daughter of John and Sarah CHURCHILL (PR) [2nd child from the marriage of John Churchill and Sarah Morris who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 15th May 1780]
19 Oct 1783 - Samuel the son of Richard and Susannah SEYARD
20 Oct 1783 - Jane the daughter of William and Elizabeth KERLEY was privately baptised (PR)
20 Oct 1783 - Ann CHETTLE daughter of John and Ann CHETTLE (PR)
28 Oct 1783 - Joseph son of John and Mary TRIM (PR)
05 Dec 1783 - Theophela Farr daughter of Mr Morgan and Elizabeth YEATMAN (PR)
07 Dec 1783 - Elizabeth daughter of Onesiphorus and Alice HIDE [HYDE] [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Onesiphorus HYDE to Alice Warren at HT on 26-Mar 1782 ]
21 Dec 1783 - Honour daughter of James and Sarah VINCENT (a Pauper)

16 Jan 1784 - William son of Francis and Ann ROGERS (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
15 Feb 1784 - Sarah daughter of Mary PURCHASE Base Born (PR) [Note:-The mother Mary Purchase married Philip WINZAR at HT Church in Dorchester on 28th June 1784 see marriage and vestry minutes dated 6th June 1784]
22 Feb 1784 - John son of John and sarah BRUSHET (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from marriage of John BRUSHETT to Sarah HAYDON at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 12th Nov 1778]
29 Feb 1784 - Jane daughter of Peter and Mary STICKLAND (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Peter STICKLAND who married Mary CHURCHILL both of St Peters parish Dorchester on 21 Oct 1769]
29 Feb 1784 - John son of John and Catharine GARLAND (PR)
11 Apr 1784 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Martha WIFFEN (PR)
07 May 1784 - Christian daughter of William and Mary CLARKE (PR)
16 May 1784 - William son of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER was privately baptised and received into ye church July ye 5th (PR)
30 May 1784 - John son of John and Elizabeth MILLIS (PR)
26 Jun1784 - George son of Thomas and Elizabeth COZENS was privately baptised and received into ye church July ye 25th (PR)
22 July 1784 - Robert son of James and Elizabeth WOODSFORD (PR)
27 Aug 1784 - Thomas Dunkerley son of George and Kitty ANDREWS (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

06 Oct 1784 - Mary daughter of Joseph and Mary SEAL baptised (PR)
13 Oct 1784 - Joseph son of Joseph and Elizabeth KEETH [KEECH?] baptised (PR)
31 Oct 1784 - Hannah daughter of Ralph and Hannah NORMAN baptised (PR)
31 Oct 1784 - Mary daughter of William and Ann PARSONS baptised (PR)
07 Nov 1784 - Matthew son of Thomas and Frances GARLAND baptised (PR)
14 Nov 1784 - William baseborn son of Elizabeth SMITH (Pauper) baptised (PR)
27 Dec 1784 - Sarah daughter of Roger and Rebecca ANDREWS baptised (PR)

02 Jan 1785 - William Charles son of William and Margaret SAUNDERS baptised (PR)
09 Jan 1785 - Mary daughter of John and Cassandra PLOWMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of John PLOWMAN of St Peter's to Cassandra MULLENS of Trinity who married at HT on 18-Jan 1782]
09 Jan 1785 - Elizabeth daughter of Stephen and Tabitha NOBBS baptised (PR)
10 Jan 1785 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Sarah CRABTREE baptised (PR)
12 Jan 1785 - Joseph son of Richard and Sarah OLIVER baptised (PR)
    Laid into the Receivers hands the Tax on Marriages, Baptisms and Burials this 25th day of January 1785
21 Jan 1785 - John son of Thomas and Mary ABRAHAMS baptised (PR)
23 Jan 1785 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Judith CORNE baptised (a Soldier in the Second Regt of Dragoon Guards) (PR)
06 Feb 1785 - Lucy daughter of Richard and Lucy HALL baptised (a Soldier in the Second Regt of Dragoon Guards) (PR)
08 Feb 1785 - Mary daughter of Onesiphorus and Eleanor HIDE [HYDE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Onesiphorus HYDE to Alice Warren at HT on 26-Mar 1782 ]
06 Apr 1785 - John son of William and Mary WHITE baptised (PR)
21 Apr 1785 - Henry son of Benjamin and Susannah TULLIDGE baptised (PR)
08 May 1785 - Robert son of John and Mary HICKS baptised (PR)
17 May 1785 - John Old son of William and Christian ZELWOOD baptised (PR) [Note:- John Old the child of William ZILLWOOD a Gentleman of Dorchester by his wife Christian OLD whom he married 8th Feb 1781 at Holy Trinity Dorchester later became the Rector of Compton in Hampshire]
05 Jun 1785 - Sarah daughter of John and Sarah CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [3rd child from the marriage of John Churchill and Sarah Morris who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 15th May 1780]
06 Jun 1785 - Edmund Pym son of Morgan and Elizabeth Mary YEATMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 20th June 1785]
07 Jun 1785 - Mary daughter of Robert and Catharine NEWMAN baptised (PR)
12 Jun 1785 - Thomas son of John and Ann PHIPPEN baptised (PR)
17 July 1785 - Ann daughter of Laurence and Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Laurence POUNCY to Elizabeth NEWMAN at HT Church on 16th May 1776]
24 July 1785 - Jane daughter of John and Ruth GUY baptised (PR)
24 July 1785 - Thomas son of Robert and Mary HENNING baptised (PR)
    [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 309 - 1st child from the marriage of Robert, the eldest son of Robert Henning of Alton House, by his wife Mary nee Sherring - Son Thomas died 1786; Robert died 10th May 1828]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

01 Aug 1785 - Jane daughter of Richard and Mary JONES baptised (PR)
07 Aug 1785 - Christian daughter of Edith MAYERS base-born baptised (PR)
    [Note:- See entry in Vestry Minutes for HT dated 21st Nov 1791 "At Vestry held this day pursuant to notice given I is agreed to allow one shilling a week to Edith Maye[runs off the edge of the page] towards the support of her Bastard child by Thomas ENGLAND - Signed by John Garland and John Hawkins Churchwardens John Foot and Robert Rumsey Overseers of the Poor and others inc Thomas Gould Read]
07 Aug 1785 - Robert son of John and Esther MILLER baptised (PR)
11 Aug 1785 - John Evomy son of James and Martha NORMAN baptised (PR) [Note 4th child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]
14 Aug 1785 - Henry son of James and Mary KEATES baptised (PR)
24 Sep 1785 - John son of George and Elizabeth SPENCER baptised (PR)
04 Oct 1785 - Ann daughter of James and Jane HERVEY baptised (PR)
09 Oct 1785 - Thomas son of Henry and Elizabeth CURME baptised (PR)
10 Oct 1785 - Hannah daughter of William and Ann BEECH baptised a Sergeant in the First Regiment of Dragoons (PR)
11 Oct 1785 - Elizabeth daughter of Frank and Ann ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
04 Dec 1785 - Mary daughter of Samuel and Mary MOORS baptised (PR)
11 Dec 1785 - William son of John and Mary HICKS baptised (PR)
14 Dec 1785 - Charlotte daughter of George and Mary LOCK baptised (PR)
16 Dec 1785 - Paul son of Henry and Barbary WAKEMAN baptised (PR)
16 Dec 1785 - Thomas Dampier son of John and Ann GOLLOP baptised (PR)
18 Dec 1785 - Ann base-born daughter of Ann ORCHARD (a Pauper) baptised (PR)
18 Dec 1785 - Thomas base-born son of Elizabeth HARDING baptised (PR)
    [Note:- See Vestry minutes for 30th May 1786 - mother referred to as Betty - the father of her bastard child paid Ten Pounds to Benjamin TULLIDGE the previous Overseer of the Poor for the parish of Holy Trinity which sum is now demanded to be paid to the present overseers following the establishment of a committee to examine the Overseers accounts]
28 Dec 1785 - Jane daughter of Thomas and Mary ABRAMS [ABRAMAM] baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1785 - Mary daughter of Timothy and Mary HOOPER baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1785 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary MUSGROVE baptised (PR)

13 Jan 1786 - Eleanor daughter of John and Amy JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
18 Jan 1786 - Robert & Davis sons of Robert and Barbara DARGE baptised (a farrier in the (?) Regiment of Dragoons) (PR)
23 Jan 1786 - William son of John and Ann CHETTLE baptised (PR)
29 Jan 1786 - William son of Edward and Mary HELDING baptised (a private in the First Regt of Dragoons)
08 Feb 1786 - William & George sons of John and Lydia HAWKINS baptised (PR)
22 Feb 1786 - Susanna daughter of Robert and Jane DYCK baptised (PR)
12 Mar 1786 - Edward son of Edward and Elizabeth LESTER baptised (PR)
19 Mar 1786 - Thomas son of James and Sarah VINCENT baptised (Pauper) (PR)
07 Apr 1786 - John son of John and Cassandra PLOWMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John PLOWMAN of St Peter's to Cassandra MULLENS of Trinity who married at HT on 18-Jan 1782]
16 Apr 1786 - Edith daughter of John and Edith WHEELER baptised (PR)
28 Apr 1786 - William son of John and Mary BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Mary BAKER at HT on 5th Jan 1784]
30 Apr 1786 - Mary daughhter of William and Mary WHIFFEN baptised (PR)
01 May 1786 - Henry son of Henry and Sarah LAKE baptised
    [Note:- IGI incorrectly has her Christian name as Mary - no Henry & Mary in Dorchester. This is Henry Lake [1762-1832] and his wife Sarah EVOMY [1757-1825] who married at St Peters Church Dorchester 20th May 1783. Henry baptised here was the 1st child of their marriage and married Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity church Dorchester 22nd Aug 1816]
26 May 1786 - Jane daughter of Richard and Ann WARREN baptised (PR)
28 May 1786 - Sarah daughter of William and Cloe SPANKLIN baptised (Pauper) (PR)
13 Jun 1786 - John son of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER baptised (PR)
13 Jun 1786 - Maria the Base-born daughter of Ruth READ baptised (PR)
16 July 1786 - William son of John and Ann CRABTREE baptised (PR)
19 July 1786 - Jane daughter of John and Ann CURME baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John CURME to Ann RANDALL at HT on 24th Apr 1774]
14 Aug 1786 - Eleanor daughter of Robert and Sarah RUMSEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Robert RUMSEY to Sarah GRAY in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 8th June 1780]
16 Aug 1786 - Edmund son of John and Jane BROWN baptised (PR)

[Note:- August ye 24th Visitation - Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

02 Oct 1786 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabetrh MILLS baptised
05 Oct 1786 - Frances Maria daughter of John and Mary TRIM baptised
03 Dec 1786 - Rachel daughter of Joseph and Abigail DAMON baptised
24 Dec 1786 - Isaac son of Jonathan and Ann DEAR baptised
29 Dec 1786 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Mary CLARK baptised

03 Jan 1787 - Christian daughter of William and Christian ZELWOOD [ZILLWOOD?] baptised
07 Jan 1787 - Charles son of Charles and Mary THORNE baptised
19 Jan 1787 - William son of Frank and Ann ROGERS baptised [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
08 Feb 1787 - Mary daughter of Christopher and Mary ARDEN baptised [1st child from Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) by his wife Mary]
11 Feb 1787 - Ann daughter of William and Mary WHITE baptised
25 Feb 1787 - Francis Henry son of Robert and Sibella LAMBERT baptised
14 Mar 1787 - John Syms son of William and Jane NORMAN baptised [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William NORMAN Junior to Jane FORE at Godmanstone 20 Jan 1774]
25 Mar 1787 - Ann daughter of William and Jane HOLT baptised
15 Apr 1787 - William son of William and Ann PARSONS baptised
10 Jun 1787 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth FOOT baptised
25 Jun 1787 - William son of Henry and Elizabeth CURME baptised
29 Jun 1787 - Rebecca daughter of Richard and Mary JONES baptised
12 Aug 1787 - Elizabeth daughter of Timothy and Mary HOOPER baptised
20 Aug 1787 - John son of William and Martha OLD baptised
21 Aug 1787 - Mary daughter of John and Mary DODSON baptised
16 Sep 1787 - James Pook son of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPHARD baptised
03 Oct 1787 - Jane daughter of John and Sarah ROGERS baptised
13 Oct 1787 - James son of James and Elizabeth WOOD baptised
28 Nov 1787 - Amy daughter of John and Amy JACOB baptised [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
10 Dec 1787 - Benjamin son of Benjamin and Mary PRICKETT baptised
10 Dec 1787 - William son of Benjamin and Mary PRICKETT baptised
12 Dec 1787 - Susanna daughter of John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS baptised
26 Dec 1787 - John son of John and Mary BARTLETT baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Mary BAKER at HT on 5th Jan 1784]
26 Dec 1787 - John son of William and Elizabeth KERLEY baptised
27 Dec 1787 - Christian daughter of Robert and Ruth OLD baptised

30 Jan 1788 - Mary daughter of Joseph and Abigal DAMMON baptised
30 Jan 1788 - Mary daughter of Richard and Sarah OLIVER baptised
03 Feb 1788 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Mary VIVIAN baptised
25 Feb 1788 - Francis Henry son of Robert and Sibella LAMBERT baptised [born 30 July 1787]
09 Mar 1788 - Susanna daughter of Thomas and Ann CRABTREE baptised
10 Apr 1788 - Christopher son of Christopher ARDEN baptised [2nd child from Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) by his wife Mary]
19 July 1788 - Mary Ann daughter of William and Ann ADDISON baptised
24 July 1788 - Sarah daughter of Samuel and Mary MOORS baptised
26 July 1788 - James son of Robert and Mary HENNING baptised [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 309 - 2nd child from the marriage of Robert, the eldest son of Robert Henning of Alton House, by his wife Mary nee Sherring]
20 Aug 1788 - Charlotte daughter of Morgan and Elizabeth YEATMAN baptised
05 Oct 1788 - Thomas son of John and Sarah BRUSHETT baptised [Note:- 5th child from marriage of John BRUSHETT to Sarah HAYDON at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 12th Nov 1778]
05 Oct 1788 - John son of Thomas and Frances GARLAND baptised
05 Oct 1788 - Thomas son of Thomas and Frances GARLAND baptised
12 Oct 1788 - Robert son of William and Mary CLARK baptised
23 Oct 1788 - Mary daughter of John Callard and catharine MANFIELD baptised
26 Oct 1788 - Jane daughter of John and Sarah CHURCHILL baptised [5th child from the marriage of John Churchill and Sarah Morris who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 15th May 1780]
02 Nov 1788 - John son of Lawrence and Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Laurence POUNCY to Elizabeth NEWMAN at HT Church on 16th May 1776]
07 Nov 1788 - Ann daughter of Richard and Elizabeth MacKENNER baptised
28 Dec 1788 - Caroline Frances daughter of William and Jane CHURCHILL baptised [Note:- 4th known child of William CHURCHILL (1738-1799) by his wife Jane (1747-1801) ]

01 Jan 1789 - Robert son of William and Martha OLD baptised
30 Jan 1789 - Louisa daughter of Robert and Sibella LAMBERT baptised
18 Feb 1789 - Elizabeth Lockett daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER baptised
18 Feb 1789 - Mary Ann Fisher daughter of Thimothy [Timothy] and Susanna THORNE baptised
18 Feb 1789 - Mary Elizabeth daughter of William and Christian ZELWOOD baptised
26 Feb 1789 - Harriet daughter of John and Ann CASS baptised
26 Feb 1789 - George Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth LOCKETT baptised
15 Mar 1789 - John son of John and Elizabeth FOOT baptised
12 Apr 1789 - Hannah daughter of Francis and Ann MEAD baptised
19 Apr 1789 - Joseph son of John and Sarah ROGERS baptised
04 May 1789 - John son of John and Mary VIVIAN baptised
28 Aug 1789 - Thomas son of Francis and Ann ROGERS baptised [Note:- 9th and last child from the marriage of Francis ROGERS to Ann CANTERBURY at All Saints Church Dorchester on 22 Sept 1776 ]
30 Sep 1789 - William son of Thomas and Mary ABRAMS baptised [Note:- Buried 10 Jan 1790]
15 Oct 1789 - George son of Christopher and Mary ARDEN baptised [3rd child from Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) by his wife Mary]
15 Oct 1789 - Thomas Pride son of Thomas and Sarah SMITH baptised
16 Oct 1789 - John son of Joseph and Abigal DAMON baptised
21 Oct 1789 - Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Sarah LAKE baptised [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Henry Lake [1762-1832] to Sarah EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1783]
04 Nov 1789 - George son of William and Susannah PORTER baptised
22 Dec 1789 - Ann daughter of John Callard and Catharine MANFIELD baptised
29 Dec 1789 - Jane daughter of John and Mary DODSON baptised
30 Dec 1789 - Eliza daughter of Robert and Ruth OLD baptised

14 Feb 1790 - Cassandra daughter of John and Cassandra PLOWMAN baptised [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of John PLOWMAN of St Peter's to Cassandra MULLENS of Trinity who married at HT on 18-Jan 1782]
17 Mar 1790 - Thomas son of Charlotte CANTERBURY baptised [Charlotte was the 12th child from the marriage of Richard CANTERBURY of HT to Sarah LOCK of Broadmayne at HT on 18th Aug 1751]
    [Note:- See entry in Vestry Minutes for HT dated 30th Aug 1790 "It is agreed to accept and take of John Sabine Esq the sum of twenty pounds in lieu and full and final satisfaction of any other security or demand on Sydenham Sabine son of the said John Sabine towards the maintenance of a bastard child born on the body of Charlotte Canterbury single woman and of which child the said Sydenham Sabine in charges as being the father" signed by the churchwardens and overseers of the poor and others attending the vestry meeting. This sum was paid by John Sabine on 12th Sep 1790

    Sydenham Sabine (b.1766) was the son of John Sabine of Muckleford in Dorset and went to Oxford where he matriculated at Merton College on 11th Oct 1784. He was awarded his BA in 1790 and joined the church that year being ordained as a deacon at Bristol Cathedral on 21st Sep 1790 and quickly appointed as curate of Winterbourne Abbas from that date. Clearly his father wanted this matter swept under the carpet and he was sent away from Dorchester. There is no official record of him being appointed to St Georges Church in Fordington as curate but he was clearly there throughout 1801-1802. He was appointed curate of Mudford in Somerset in 1805 and Hermitage in Dorset as well as leigh chapel at Yetminster from 1812.]
09 Apr 1790 - George Ellis son of Sarah COX baptised
07 May 1790 - Leonour daughter of Ann READ baptised
    [Note:- See entry in Vestry Minutes for HT dated 12th June 1791 " At a Vestry this day held pursuant to Notce given It is agreed to accept and take the sum of twenty pounds (of Mr James WOOD ) in lieu and full satisfaction of any other security or demand on Thomas WOOD son of the said John WOOD towards the maintenance of a Bastard child born on the body of Ann READ she gotten by the said Thomas WOOD - Signed by John Garland; John Hawkins Churchwardens Charles Austin; George Clark Overseers of the Poor and others present inc Robert Hennings Jun;l William Old Jun; Robert Gundry; John Brown; John Nelson ]
15 May 1790 - Mary daughter of John and Amy JACOB baptised [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
23 May 1790 - Maria daughter of James and Jane HERVY baptised
23 May 1790 - John son of James and Jane HERVY baptised
05 June 1790 - William son of William and Ann SLADE baptised
10 June 1790 - John William son of William and Elizabeth MILLS baptised
04 July 1790 - Ann daughter of William and Mary CLARK baptised
21 July 1790 - Robert son of John and Sarah CRABTREE baptised
06 Sep 1790 - Charles Frederick son of Charles and Mary GROVES baptised
06 Oct 1790 - Joseph son of William and Martha OLD baptised
14 Nov 1790 - Elizabeth daughter of James and Elizabeth ARGYLE baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James ARGYLE to Elizabeth BARTLETT at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 11th Jan 1790 ]

12 Jan 1791 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Mary CRABTREE baptised
11 Feb 1791 - Charles son of Michael and Sarah WOOD baptised
15 Feb 1791 - Mary daughter of John and Mary VIVIAN baptised
17 Feb 1791 - William son of William and Jane DAVIS baptised [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 23rd Feb 1791]
28 Feb 1791 - John Gillingham son of Samuel and Mary MOORES baptised
28 Feb 1791 - Susanna daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER baptised
13 Mar 1791 - Dinah daughter of John and Ann CHURCHILL baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John CHURCHILL to Ann Swyer at HT 6th May 1790 - Link to her grandparents Charles CHURCHILL & Dinah nee Phelps for more info ]
18 Mar 1791 - George son of Mary WARREN baptised
    [Note:- See entry in Vestry Minutes for HT dated 3rd May 1791 " At a Vestry this Day held pursuant to notice given It was agreed to accept and take the sum of Twenty Pounds in lieu and full satisfaction of any other security or demand towards the maintenance of a Bastard child born on the body of Mary WARREN Single woman and the said sum was immediately paid into the hands of the Overseers to be applied by them to the Parish Accounts Signed John Garland and John Hawkins churchwardens John Foot Robert Rumsey Thomas Shephard Overseers of the Poor Robert Gundry; John Jacob; William READ; James Wood; Thomas Gritton. A lump sum full and final settlement was unusual and £20 a generous amount . His father would have been reasonably well off to afford such a sum and in later life George changed his surname from Warren to CHURCHILL so it is likely that his father was a member of the prestigious Churchill family of Dorchester. Apart from the Churchwardens and Overseers there are also more signatures than usual to the agreement who all seem to be well respected members of the community. See marriage at All Saints Church in Dorchester of George WARREN alias CHURCHILL (1791-1846) to Elizabeth LEGG16 July 1814]
03 Apr 1791 - Elizabeth daughter of Ambrose and Jane HUNT baptised [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) to Jane KEATS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
03 Apr 1791 - James son of Walter and Ann SCOTT baptised
03 Apr 1791 - Samuel son of Walter and Ann SCOTT baptised
25 Apr 1791 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth BENNICK baptised
28 Apr 1791 - John Morton son of Thomas Morton and Mary COLSON baptised [Note:- This is the baptism of John Morton COLSON (1796-1863) follow link for his life and ancestry]
13 May 1791 - Mary daughter of John and Mary HIBBS baptised
19 Jun 1791 - Ann daughter of Joseph and Ann DAMON baptised
05 July 1791 - Thomas son of John and Sarah ELLIS baptised
05 July 1791 - Sarah daughter of Henry and Sarah LAKE baptised [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Henry Lake [1762-1832] to Sarah EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1783]
04 Sep 1791 - John son of William and Ann HOBBS baptised
27 Nov 1791 - Thomasin daughter of Robert and Sarah RUMSEY baptised [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Robert RUMSEY to Sarah GRAY in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 8th June 1780]
07 Dec 1791 - John son of John and Mary DODSON baptised
25 Dec 1791 - Francis William son of Francis and Ann MEAD baptised

05 Jan 1792 - Mary daughter of Robert and Catharine HENCOCK baptised
15 Jan 1792 - Benjamin son of William and Joan FEACY Privately baptised January 15th 1792 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on July 29th 1808[Note:- Link to Comments about this family This entry is under 1808 in the parish register]
14 Feb 1792 - Catharine daughter of John and Catharine GARLAND baptised
14 Feb 1792 - James son of John and Catharine GARLAND baptised
14 Feb 1792 - William son of John and Catharine GARLAND baptised
14 Feb 1792 - Joseph son of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPPARD baptised
02 Apr 1792 - Elizabeth daughter of George and Elizabeth SPENCER baptised
03 Apr 1792 - Thomas son of John and Susanna WHITE baptised
21 Apr 1792 - William son of William and Sophia BYTHEWOOD baptised
20 May 1792 - John Metyard son of Elizabeth BULLOCK baptised [Note:- John Mellyard son of Elizabeth Bulluck base Born was buried at HT 30th Dec 1798]
03 Jun 1792 - Ann daughter of William and Jenny HOLT baptised
11 Jun 1792 - John Callard son of John Callard and Catharine MANFIELD baptised
28 Jun 1792 - Frances daughter of Christopher and Mary ARDEN baptised [4th child from Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) by his wife Mary]
22 July 1792 - John son of John and Sarah CHURCHILL baptised [6th child from the marriage of John Churchill and Sarah Morris who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 15th May 1780]
19 Aug 1792 - Esther daughter of John and Jane HONEYBUN baptised
19 Aug 1792 - Elizabeth daughter of Elizabeth PIKE baptised [Note:- buried HT 11th Nov 1798]
22 Aug 1792 - Jane daughter of William and Mary CLARK baptised
19 Sep 1792 - Sarah daughter of Richard and Sarah OLIVER baptised
07 Oct 1792 - John son of Thomas and Sarah SMITH baptised
09 Oct 1792 - Thomas son of John and Mary AMOR baptised [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John Amor to Mary Summers at Chardstock Dorset on 3rd Apr 1781]
20 Nov 1792 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary CRABTREE baptised
28 Nov 1792 - John son of William and Eleonar HOWBRIDGE baptised
26 Dec 1792 - John son of John and Sara CRABTREE baptised

01 Jan 1793 - Ursley Brown daughter of Teresa CARD baptised
03 Jan 1793 - Mary daughter of John and Amy JACOB baptised [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
03 Jan 1793 - John Summers son of John and Amy JACOB baptised [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
10 Jan 1793 - Martha daughter of William and Martha OLD baptised
16 Jan 1793 - Mary Russell daughter of John and Sara ELLIS baptised
10 Feb 1793 - Elizabeth daughter of Gould and Ann TRENT baptised
13 Feb 1793 - John son of John and Mary VIVIAN baptised
13 Mar 1793 - Margaret Cornich daughter of William and Elizabeth BONNICK baptised
05 Apr 1793 - Samuel son of John and Elizabeth WOOD baptised
06 Apr 1793 - Henry son of John and Elizabeth SAMPSON baptised (Born 28 Mar 1792)
27 Apr 1793 - John son of Elizabeth NEAL baptised
28 Apr 1793 - Mary daughter of Richard and Elizabeth LAKE baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard LAKE to Elizabeth QUIVER at at Thorncombe on 13th Oct 1791.]
14 May 1793 - John son of James and Dorothy BIRT baptised
28 May 1793 - Robert son of Robert and Catharine HANCOCK baptised
20 Jun 1793 - Grace Ann daughter of James and Frances HAWKINS baptised

[Note: The absence of entries at the end of the year suggests that the true dates of the following 8 baptisms was between July and Dec 1793]

[No date] 1793 - [missing] son of Christopher and Mary ARDEN baptised [5th child from Christopher ARDEN Senior MD (1751-1811) by his wife Mary]
    Although this has been recorded as a male in the CLDS record I doubt they knew the sex of the child and this needs to be carefully checked against the original when access can be arranged. This is likely to be the baptism of Ann ARDEN their 5th and last known child as she remained a spinster and is with her brother Christopher in Dorchester in the 1851 census when her age was given as 57 which is probably correct given her baptism in the latter half of 1793. ]
[No date] 1793 - Robert son of James and Sara COSH baptised
[No date] 1793 - Hannah daughter of John and Mary HIBBS baptised
[No date] 1793 - [missing] daughter of Henry and Sara LAKE baptised [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Henry Lake [1762-1832] to Sarah EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1783]
[No date] 1793 - [missing] son of Elizabeth LESTER baptised
[No date] 1793 - [missing] daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SWYER baptised
[No date] 1793 - Janepym daughter of Morgam YEATMAN baptised
[No date] 1793 - [missing] son of Morgan YEATMAN baptised

08 Jan 1794 - Mary daughter of John and Elizabeth ELLIOTT baptised
09 Feb 1794 - Elizabeth daughter of Laurence and Elizabeth POUNCY baptised [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Laurence POUNCY to Elizabeth NEWMAN at HT Church on 16th May 1776]
12 Feb 1794 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Sarah ELLIS baptised
18 Mar 1794 - Maria daughter of William and Elizabeth BROWN baptised
27 Apr 1794 - Sara daughter of Sara HOARE baptised
02 May 1794 - Joseph son of John and Mary ALLEN baptised
15 Jun 1794 - Charles son of John and Mary CHURCHILL baptised
17 Aug 1794 - James son of Thomas and Priscilla GUPPY baptised
31 Aug 1794 - George son of Edward and Mary BRIDLE baptised
07 Sep 1794 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary ROGERS baptised
29 Sep 1794 - Sibella daughter of Robert and Sibella LAMBERT baptised
15 Oct 1794 - Mary daughter of Sara DICKER baptised [Note:- Mary Base Born daughter of Sarah DICKER buried HT 6th March 1795]
20 Oct 1794 - Mary Gould daughter of John and Frances GREEN baptised
10 Nov 1794 - Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Abigail DAMON baptised
07 Dec 1794 - George son of John and Ann DOWNTON baptised
16 Dec 1794 - Patience daughter of George and Hannah DAW baptised
21 Dec 1794 - Daivid Ash son of William and Rebecca LOCK baptised

13 Jan 1795 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary JENKINS [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 25 Jan 1795] baptised
30 Jan 1795 - Frances daughter of John and Cathareine GARLAND baptised
04 Feb 1795 - James son of Edward and Mary CLARK baptised
04 Feb 1795 - John son of Edward and Mary CLARK baptised
11 Feb 1795 - Sarah daughter of William and Sarah EVANS baptised
15 Feb 1795 - Ann daughter of Samuel and Henrietta HAMMOND baptised
22 Feb 1795 - Jane daughter of William and Sarah ARDEN baptised [Note:- child from the marriage of William HARDEN to Sarah TOOP at Fordington St George Church on 21st Aug 1792. Jane was buried at HT 17 Mar 1795]
29 Mar 1795 - Edith daughter of Thomas and Edith PITMAN baptised
05 Apr 1795 - Joram son of James and Elizabeth FOOT baptised
05 Apr 1795 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary SQUIL baptised
17 Apr 1795 - Robert son of John and Sarah ELLIS baptised
03 May 1795 - James son of James and Lucy BARTLETT baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage at Charminster of James BARTLETT to Lucy CLARK on 20th July 1794. ]
10 May 1795 - Thomas son of John and Mary AMOR baptised [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John Amor to Mary Summers at Chardstock Dorset on 3rd Apr 1781]
17 May 1795 - William son of John and Frances CHAPMAN baptised
27 May 1795 - Rebecca daughter of Robert and Rebecca CURME (PR)
29 May 1795 - Charles Base Born son of Mary SERJEANT privately baptised May ye 29th & died before he was received into the church (PR) [Note:- This entry into the baptism register was made on 9th June 1795 the day he was buried]
30 May 1795 - Rebecca daughter of Richard and Sarah OLIVER (PR)
31 May 1795 - William son of Thomas and Jane BAILEY (PR)

[Note:- Visitation June 3rd - Register signed by Rev Nath: Templeman Rector]

05 Jun 1795 - John son of John and Emy [Amey] JACOB (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
--21 Jun 1795 - Sarah daughter of William and Joan FEACY was privately baptised Nov 9th 1797 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on 29th July 1808 [Note:- Link to Comments about this family - This entry is in the Holy trinity parish Register in 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes]
03 July 1795 - Rebecca daughter of William and Elizabeth ABBOT (PR)
16 Aug 1795 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Sarah SMITH (PR)
16 Aug 1795 - Robert son of William and Sarah LEAK [LAKE] (PR) [Note:- Enlisted in 16th Regiment of Dragoons 1st May 1822 when aged 27  See Military Service Records]
24 Aug 1795 - Maria daughter of Mr. Charles COZENS & Charlotte his wife (PR)
25 Oct 1795 - Sarah daughtern of Edmund and Mary IRONSIDE (PR)
01 Nov 1795 - Sarah daughter of William and Jane HOLT (PR)
11 Nov 1795 - Thomas son of John and Rebecca THORN (PR)
13 Nov 1795 - Charles son of William and Christian ZILLWOOD (PR)
15 Nov 1795 - William son of Samuel and Elizabeth SAUNDERS (PR)
26 Nov 1795 - William son of William and Diana DARE a Farrier in ye first Regiment of Dragoons (PR)
28 Nov 1795 - William son of James and Elizabeth ROGERS baptised (PR)
30 Nov 1795 - George son of George and Frances CLARK baptised (PR)
08 Dec 1795 - William Lewis son of William and Sarah HENNING (born ye 27 May 1794) and baptised at Trinity Church December the 8th 1795 (PR) [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 312 - 1st child of William Henning of Frome House born 1760 who married Jan 1793 Sarah daughter of William Lewis of Stourton Caundle. Link to more information about this family].

[Note:- Finis for ye year - Register signed by Rev Nath: Templeman Rector]

06 Jan 1796 - John son of John and Ann MOOR baptised (PR)
20 Jan 1796 - Ann daughter of John and Judith HINE baptised (PR)
30 Jan 1796 - Robert son of Robert LAMBER [LAMBERT] Esq and Sibella was privately baptised (PR)
04 Mar 1796 - Eliza daughter of Mr. William and Sarah HENNING baptised (PR) [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 312 - 2nd child of William Henning of Frome House born 1760 who married Jan 1793 Sarah daughter of William Lewis of Stourton Caundle. Eliza married Captain Kellaway. Link to more information about this family].
06 Mar 1796 - Thomas son of William and Ann HOBBS baptised (PR)
08 Mar 1796 - Robert son of Henry and Sarah LAKE baptised (PR)[Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Henry Lake [1762-1832] to Sarah EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1783]
01 Apr 1796 - James son of John and Cassandra PLOWMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of John PLOWMAN of St Peter's to Cassandra MULLENS of Trinity who married at HT on 18-Jan 1782 - IGI incorrectly have his surname as Bowman]
05 May 1796 - Jesse Williams son of Robert and Barbary DARGE baptised (a Farrier in the First Regt of Dragoons) (PR)
22 May 1796 - George son of Joseph and Abigail DAMON baptised (PR)
27 May 1796 - John son of Lewis and Elizabeth TARRENT baptised (PR)
08 Jun 1796 - Samuel son of William and Eleanor COOLEY baptised (a Soldier in the First Regiment of Dragoons (PR)
10 July 1796 - Ann daughter of Dougal and Margret CAMPBELL baptised (a private in the First Regt of Dragoons) (PR)

[Note:- Bishops Visitation August 10th - Register signed by Rev N Templeman Rector]

29 Aug 1796 - Maria daughter of Edmund and Elizabeth BANKS baptised (a Soldier in ye First Regt of Dragoons) (PR)
23 Sep 1796 - William son of Richard and Elizabeth TROWTER baptised (a Soldier in ye First Regt of Dragoons) (PR)
02 Oct 1796 - Ann daughter of William and Mary APPLIN baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 29 Dec 1796]
09 Oct 1796 - James son of Robert and Sara RUMSEY baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1796 - Frances daughter of John and Frances CHAPMAN baptised (PR)

06 Jan 1797 - Jane daughter of Thomas and Jane UNDERWOOD baptised (PR)
11 Jan 1797 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary WINCH baptised (PR)
22 Jan 1797 - Mary Ann daughter of William and Mary LAWRENCE baptised (PR)
21 Feb 1797 - William son of John and Mary AMOR baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John Amor to Mary Summers at Chardstock Dorset on 3rd Apr 1781]
08 Apr 1797 - Eleanor daughter of John and Jane GODLEY baptised a quarter master in th second Regiment or North Bristol Dragoons (PR)
10 Apr 1797 - Ann daughter of William and Elizabeth BROWN baptised (PR)
17 Apr 1797 - John son of Henry and Sarah BUCKLER baptised (PR)
21 Apr 1797 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth BRINE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Visitation August ye 9th Register signed by Rev Nath: Templeman Rector]

17 Aug 1797 - David Whitewell son of Major James BUTLER of the Royal Horse Artillery and Jane his wife was privately baptised the 17th August 1797 by me Nathaniel Templeman Rector (PR)
01 Sep 1797 - William and Thomas sons of William and Mary CLARK (PR)
03 Sep 1797 - Ann daughter of John and Sarah ELLIS (PR)
13 Oct 1797 - James son of John and Dianah WHETHAM (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John WHETHAM to Diana CHILDS at Holy Trinity on 1st Dec 1796]
24 Oct 1797 - Robert Brown son of Robert and Ann SHITTLER (PR)
29 Oct 1797 - Ann daughter of Robert and Mary BATTEN (PR)
29 Oct 1797 - Samuel son of Samuel and Henrietta HAMMOND (PR)
05 Nov 1797 - John Stanton son of Thomas and Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
09 Nov 1797 - Richard son of William and Joan FEACY privately baptised November 9th 1797 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on July 29th 1808 [Note:- Link to Comments about this family - This entry is recorded in the original parish register under 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes]
12 Nov 1797 - Thomas son of John and Mary DEWFOL (PR)
15 Nov 1797 - Richard son of William and Mary BARGE (PR)
27 Dec 1797 - James son of James and Hannah PORTER (PR)
28 Dec 1797 - Jane daughter of John and Mary DODSON (PR)

01 Jan 1798 - James son of James and Aluice PITT a Soldier in the Tenth Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
01 Jan 1798 - Jane daughter of Richard and Sarah OLIVER (PR)
02 Jan 1798 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth BEACH (PR)
03 Jan 1798 - Henry Arthur, Thomas and Elizabeth sons and daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth LOCKETT (PR)
11 Jan 1798 - Frances daughter of William and Martha OLD (PR)
13 Jan 1798 - Charles Burt son of Mr. William and Sarah HENNING privately baptised January 13th 1798 & received into the church January 22nd 1799 (PR) [Note:- In the original register in 1799 but repeated here for reference purposes:- See Burke's Family Records page 312 - 3rd child of William Henning of Frome House born 1760 who married Jan 1793 Sarah daughter of William Lewis of Stourton Caundle. he married Charlotte daughter of Harvey Way of Torrington Devonand died 25th Feb 1871 Link to more information about this family]]
18 Feb 1798 - William son of John and Mary MASH (PR)
18 Feb 1798 - Henry son of Edward and Mary BARTLETT (PR) {Note:- A sister Mary was also Bap HT 30th Aug 1801 but was buried HT 6th Oct 1802]
21 Feb 1798 - William son of George and Ann HANN (PR)
25 Mar 1798 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Sarah SMITH (PR)
01 Apr 1798 - George son of John and Ann BEST a Musician in the 10th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
09 Apr 1798 - Jane daughter of George and Hannah SQUIB (PR)
07 May 1798 - Mary daughter of Thomas and Jane BAILEY (PR)
01 Jun 1798 - Sarah daughter of William and Mary CLARK (PR)

[Note:- In May Visitation of the Right Revd Folliott Lord Bishop of Bristol ]

10 Jun 1798 - Susannah daughter of Samuel and Charlotte MOORS (PR)
10 Jun 1798 - Susannah and Ann daughters of Benjamin and Ann PAUL baptised Soldier in the Tenth Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR) [Note:- children from marriage of Benjamin PAUL (1747-1836) to Ann nee MORES (1751-1837) ]
01 July 1798 - Sarah daughter of Edward and Mary DAVIS (PR)
06 July 1798 - Robert son of William and Elizabeth BROWNE (PR)
16 Aug 1798 - Mary daughter of William and Mary PETTYGREW (illegibel word) Master in the North Bristol Dragoons (PR)
16 Aug 1798 - Charles and George sons of Thomas and Elizabeth SHEPPARD (PR)
02 Sep 1798 - John son of Samuel and Sarah CRITCHELL (PR)
21 Sep 1798 - Benjamin son of Samuel and Ann HOLMES a Private in the 11. (Sic) of Light Dragoons (PR)
14 Oct 1798 - William son of Robert and Ann GALE (PR)
21 Oct 1798 - Raymond son of George and Sarah ROEBUCK a Soldier in ye 11. Reg. of Lighyt Dragoons (PR)
04 Nov 1798 - Sarah daughter of Henry and Sarah BUCKLER (PR)
04 Nov 1798 - Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Abigail DAMON (PR)
05 Nov 1798 - Michael John son of John and Sarah ELLIS (PR)
11 Nov 1798 - Edward Hill son of George and Mary SICKER a Quarter Master in 11. Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
02 Dec 1798 - Samuel Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth TAYLORa Soldier in the 11 Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
07 Dec 1798 - George Jewel son of Thomas and Susanna CURTIS baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791]
28 Dec 1798 - Frances daughter of William and Elizabeth BEECH (PR) [Note:- Seems to have been buried as Frances BIRCH Holy Trinity Dorchester same day]
30 Dec 1798 - Henry son of Henry and Sarah KETTLE a Soldier in ye 11th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 30th Dec 1798]

01 Jan 1799 - John son of William and Elizabeth RUSSELL a Soldier in ye 11th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR) [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 5th jan 1799]
01 Jan 1799 - Shadrach Whittle son of Robert and Ann SHITTLER (PR) [Probably buried 5th Jan 1799 Holy Trinity Dorchester]
06 Jan 1799 - Mary daughter of Mr. Robert and Mary HENNING (PR)
    [Note:- :- See Burke's Family Records page 309 - 1st child from the 2nd marriage of Robert Henning, the eldest son of Robert Henning of Alton House, by his wife Emily nee Roberts - Mary his 1st wife died 13 Apr 1821? Mary the daughter died unmarried 1820]
13 Jan 1799 - Edward son of Edward and Martha MORGAN a Soldier in ye 11th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 13 Jan 1799]
16 Jan 1799 - Nancy daughter of William and Ann HANNEY (PR) [Note:- Buried as Nacy HARVEY Holy Trinity Dorchester 16th Jan 1799]
22 Jan 1799 - Charles Burt son of Mr. William and Sarah HENNING privately baptised January 13th 1798 and received into the church January 22nd 1799 (PR) [Note:- Link to more information about this family]
10 Feb 1799 - William son of Thomas and Susanna CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796][Note:- William married a Susannah (surname unknown) circa 1835 and they settled in All Saints Parish where they had 4 children]
20 Feb 1799 - Robert son of William and Elizabeth FOOKS (PR)
20 Feb 1799 - Hannah Base Born daughter of Susannah LUCCAS (PR)
24 Feb 1799 - Sarah daughter of Charles and Martha STOKES a Private in the 11th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
02 Mar 1799 - Ann daughter of Henry and Ann STANDISH baptised (PR)
05 Apr 1799 - Jonathan son of Jonathan and Grave (Grace?) WAR (or WAE) a Soldier in the 11 Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
17 May 1799 - William son of William and Ann PORTER (PR)

[Note:- Arch Deacons Visitation May 29th Nath: Templeman Rector ]

02 Jun 1799 - Charles Augustus son of Charles Felix Augustus CHEVALIER D la Coun & and Esther Nugent his wife was privately baptised (PR)
02 Jun 1799 - John son of John and Hannah CLARK a Serjeant in the 11 Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
05 Jun 1799 - Mary Green base Born daughter of Mary NOBS (PR)
07 Jun 1799 - Robert son of Gaven and Elizabeth TORRENCE a Quarter Master in the 11 Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
24 July 1799 - Mary daughter of Samuel and Jane BROWNE (PR)
13 Aug 1799 - Sophri Sophoclea Sopisbisba daughter of Thomas and Ann DUTTON (PR)
14 Aug 1799 - John Nelson son of George and Ann FRAMPTON (PR)
15 Dec 1799 - John son of Thomas and Ann BAILEY baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1799 - Catharine daughter of William and Mary Elizabeth LAURENCE (PR)

[Note:- Finis for the year 1799 Nath: Templeman Rector of Holy Trinity ]

01 Jan 1800 - Mary daughter of George and Ann HANN (PR)
01 Jan 1800 - John son of Samuel and Mary FOSTER (PR) [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage at Upwey of Samuel FOSTER of Fordington to Mary HODDER of Upwey on 28th Jan 1799]
07 Jan 1800 - Thomas son of George and Frances CLARK (PR) [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 27 Apr 1846; age 47 years]
30 Apr 1800 - James son of James and Sarah VINCENT (PR)
19 May 1800 - James son of Edward and Rebecca DABBS (PR)
02 July 1800 - Robert son of William and Mary CLARK (PR)
17 July 1800 - Sarah daughter of John and Sarah ELLIS (PR)
12 Aug 1800 - Thomas son of William and Elizabeth BEECH (PR)
07 Sep 1800 - Mary daughter of William and Mary TAVERS (PR)
15 Sep 1800 - Celia daughter of Mr. William and Anna Elenora NEYLES (PR)
25 Sep 1800 - Elizabeth Agnes daughter of Thomas TAUNTON Esq. and Agnes his wife was born at Wrackleford ye 25th July 1791 and baptised in the church of Holy Trinity Sep 25th 1800 (PR)
24 Dec 1800 - Mary daughter of Samuel and Henrietta HAMMOND (PR)
25 Dec 1800 - Horatia [Horatio?] Henry son of John and Elizabeth MORLY a Soldier in ye 15 Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)

01 Jan 1801 - John Grey son of Robert and Sarah RUMSEY (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Robert RUMSEY to Sarah GRAY in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 8th June 1780]
02 Jan 1801 - Charles son of Charles and Mary AUSTIN (PR)
05 Jan 1801 - John son of John and Frances CHAPMAN (PR)
05 Jan 1801 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Mary CHITTIN a soldier in the 15 Regt of Light dragoons (PR)
20 Jan 1801 - John son of Thomas and Sarah LEWIS (PR)
22 Feb 1801 - Edmund son of Thomas and Susannah CURTIS (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791]
01 Mar 1801 - Jane daughter of Richard JONES a Soldier in the 15 Regt of Light Dragoons

[Note:- Bishops Visitation May 5th Nath: Templeman Rector ]

16 Jun 1801 - Henry son of Henry and Susanna TOOZE was privately baptised and received into the church ye 16th June (PR) [Note:- child of the marriage of Henry TOOZE (1767-1828) - Susannah THORNE (1762-1846) at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 31st July 1796]
    24 Jun 1801 - Charlotte daughter of William and Joan FEACY was privately baptised June 24th 1801 and received into the church of Holy Trinty on 29th July 1808 [Note:-This entry in in the HT Register under 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes Link to Comments about this family ]
26 Jun 1801 - Samuel son of Thomas and Ann WILSON a Soldier in North Bristol Dragoons (PR)
22 Aug 1801 - Eliza daughter of John and Amy JACOB (PR) [Note:- 9th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
30 Aug 1801 - Mary daughter of Edward and Mary BARTLETT (PR) [Note:- An older brother Henry Bartlett was also bap HT 18th Feb 1798. Mary Bartlett the daughter died and was buried at HT on 6th Oct 1802]
08 Oct 1801 - Eliza Sophia daughter of the Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised March ye 15th 1799 and received into the church October ye 8th 1801 (PR) [Note:- 1st Child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
08 Oct 1801 - Frances Caroline daughter of the Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised May ye 16th 1801 and received into the church October ye 8th 1801 (PR) [Note:- 2nd Child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
11 Nov 1801 - Jane daughter of George and Mary SQUIB (PR)
22 Nov 1801 - Charles son of Thomas and Jane CURME (PR)
11 Dec 1801 - Frances the base born daughter of Jane RICHARDS (PR)
13 Dec 1801 - Ann daughter of Samuel and Charlotte MOORS (PR)
30 Dec 1801 - Lucy daughter of Thomas and Jane BAILY (PR)

01 Jan 1802 - Sarah daughter of Henry and Sarah LAKE (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Henry Lake [1762-1832] to Sarah EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th May 1783]
08 Jan 1802 - George Arthur son of Mr. Vaughan JONES and Ann his wife (PR)
11 Jan 1802 - Mary Ann daughter of William and Ann Elizabeth BESANT (PR)
18 Jan 1802 - Sarah Gatehouse daughter of Thomas and Ann BESANT [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas Gatehouse Besant (1778-1808) to Ann HEWSTINS/MOWLAM (1781-1858) circa 1800]
26 Jan 1802 - Ann daughter of Robert and Ann SHITTLER (PR)
03 Mar 1802 - William son of William and Mary BISHOP (PR)
28 Mar 1802 - James Woodsford son of James and Elizabeth STAYNER (PR)

[Note:- Arch Deacon Visitation May 26th 1802 ]

02 Jun 1802 - John son of John and Mary DEWFAL (PR) [Note:- John DEWFOL married Mary ROGERS in St Peters Church Dorchester on 24th April 1794]
11 Jun 1802 - Jane daughter of William and Mary CLARK (PR)
30 Aug 1802 - Alexander son of Thomas and Ann BARTLETT a private in 40 Reg of Foot was born in the parish of the Holy Trinity on the 27th day of August 1802 & baptised on the 30th day of August (PR)
20 Oct 1802 - Mary daughter of John and Sarah ELLIS (PR)
25 Oct 1802 - Charles son of Thomas and Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
07 Nov 1802 - Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth HOBBS (PR)
14 Nov 1802 - Isaac son of John and Ann HANN (PR)
21 Nov 1802 - Joseph son of John and Jean (Jane) MILLAR (PR)
12 Dec 1802 - Mary daughter of Joseph and Ann HOLT (PR)
31 Dec 1802 - George Sergent son of George and Eleanor ROWLES (PR)

10 Jan 1803 - Jane daughter of Mr. William and Sarah HENNING (PR) [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 312 - 4th child of William Henning of Frome House born 1760 who married Jan 1793 Sarah daughter of William Lewis of Stourton Caundle. Jane married William Bridge who died 2 Dec 1877 Link to more information about this family].
01 Feb 1803 - William son of Charles and Mary AUSTIN (PR)
04 Feb 1803 - William Base Born son of Rebecca HARDY (PR)
16 Mar 1803 - George son of Isaac and Elizabeth MABER (PR) [Note:- Isaac MABER married Elizabeth OLIVER in Holy Trinity church Dorchester 27 June 1799 - Thier 1st child Ann was baptised in St Peters church 16 Feb 1800]
30 Mar 1803 - Jane and Frances daughters of Samuel and Jane BROWN (PR)
10 Apr 1803 - William son of William and ELizabeth PAUL (PR)
10 Apr 1803 - John son of John and Mary MARSH (PR)
16 Apr 1803 - Sarah daughter of Simon and Sarah RANGE a Musician in the Oxford Blues (PR)

[Note:- Arch Deacons Visitation May 25th 1803 ]

    [28 May 1803 - William son of the Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised by the Revd John PALMER May 28th 1803 and received into the church January 21st 1808 - This entry in is the parish register under 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes]
18 Jul 1803 - Frances Elizabeth BESANT daughter of Thomas & Ann BESANT (PR)[Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Gatehouse Besant (1778-1808) to Ann HEWSTINS/MOWLAM (1781-1858) circa 1800]
25 Jun 1803 - William son of Robert and Hannah POUNCY (PR) [Note;- 1st child from the marriage of Robert POUNCY to Hannah PARSONS at HT Church Dorchester on 20th July 1802]
03 July 1803 - William son of William and Mary BISHOP (PR)
05 July 1803 - Robert son of John and Diana WHETHAM (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John WHETHAM to Diane CHILDS at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 1st Dec 1796 - Robert was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester at the beginning of 1805]
05 Aug 1803 - Frances daughter of Robert and Mary BARRETT (PR)
04 Sep 1803 - James & Elizabeth son and daughter of John and Elizabeth FEPPARD [Phippard?] (PR)
16 Sep 1803 - Mary Ann daughter of William and Sarah BESBICH?, a Soldier in the 20th (Regiment of ) Light Dragoons (PR) [i.e. Ststaioned at Fordington barracks]
02 Oct 1803 - Eleanor daughter of Charles and Grace OSTLER (PR)
14 Dec 1803 John son of Christian and Louisa Charlotte HAAS a Soldier in the 20th Reghiment of Light Dragoons (PR) [i.e. Ststaioned at Fordington barracks]
    [17 Dec 1803 - William son of William and Joan FEACY was Privately baptised December 17th 1803 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on 29th July 1808 - This entry in in HT registers under 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes Note:- Link to Comments about this family ]
26 Dec 1803 - William son of John and Mary ALLEN (PR)
29 Dec 1803 - James the Base Born son of Hariet MUNDE (PR)

03 Jan 1804 - Catharine daughter of Frederick and Mara PILERS a Soldier in the 20th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
06 Jan 1804 - William son of William and Mary BARGE (PR)
06 Feb 1804 - William son of William and Elizabeth BEACH (PR)
08 Feb 1804 - Eleanor daughter of Mr. George and Fanny STICKLAND (PR) [Note: 1st child from the marriage of George STICKLAND to Fanny APPLIN at St Leonards Church in Shoreditch on 23rd Dec 1802]
26 Feb 1804 - John Acres son of Thomas and Jane CURME (PR)
02 Mar 1804 - John son of Robert Gerrade and AM DAVIS (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Robert Gerard DAVIS to Ann ENSOR in St Peters church Dorchester on 15 June 1796]
03 Apr 1804 - Charles Thomas son of Thomas and Susannah CURTIS (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791]
06 Apr 1804 - Frances Beach daughter of James & Ann UPHAM (PR)
19 Apr 1804 - Jane daughter of John & Sarah ELLIS (PR)
20 Apr 1804 - Mary Haines daughter of James & Mary HANNY (PR)
29 Apr 1804 - James son of William & Ann VATCHER (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John VATCHER to Ann HARDY at HT Church on 31st jan 1799]
20 May 1804 - Richard son of James & Elizabeth WILLIAMS (PR)
29 Aug 1804 - James son of Edward & Sarah TOMS (PR)

[Note:- Bishops Visitation September 4th 1804 ]

03 Oct 1804 - Hannah daughter of Ambrose & Jane HUNT (PR) [Note:- 9th child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) to Jane KEATS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
25 Oct 1804 - Charlotte daughter of Thomas & Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
25 Oct 1804 - William son of William & Elizabeth ELLIOTT (PR)
28 Nov 1804 - Amelia daughter of John & Rachael ROWMAN? (PR)
27 Dec 1804 - Thomas son of Thomas & Jane BAYLEY (PR)

01 Jan 1805 - Charles son of William and Christian ZELWOOD (PR)
05 Jan 1805 - John & Elizabeth son and daughter of Hannah REYNOLDS (PR)
05 Jan 1805 - William son of John and Amy JACOB (PR) [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]
09 Jan 1805 - Barbara daughter of John and Sarah KEATES (PR)
05 Feb 1805 - Elizabeth daughter of Charles and Mary AUSTIN (PR)
25 Feb 1805 - Edward son of Mr Edward BOSWELL and Edith his wife was privately baptised (PR)
    [01 Mar 1805 - Georgiana Louisa daughter of the Revd William CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised March the 1st 1805 and received into the the church December the 9th 1809 - This entry is recorded in the parish register under 1809 but also recoded here for reference purposes as shown in the IGI under this date]
04 Apr 1805 - Ann daughter of Edward and Mary BRIDLE (PR)
    [04 May 1805 - Henry son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised May 4th 1805 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 - This entry is in the parish register under 1812 but also recorded here for reference purposes as shown in the IGI under this date]

[Note:- Arch Deacons Visitation May ye 15th 1805 ]

    [17 May 1805 - Thomas son of William and Joan FEACY was privately baptised May 17th 1805 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on 29th July 1808 [Note:- This entry is in the HT parish register in 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes Link to Comments about this family ]
07 July 1805 - Charles son of Robert and Sarah BROWN (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 10 July 1805]
01 Sep 1805 - William son of William and Elizabeth HOOPER Enlisted by Mistake as a baptism instead of a Burial i.e. Burials of this day - Signed Nathaniel Templeman Rector (PR)
22 Oct 1805 - James Walton son of James and Catherine HARVEY a Soldier in the 15 Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
30 Oct 1805 - John Charles son of Isaac and Elizabeth MABER (PR) [i.e. 3rd child]
03 Nov 1805 - William son of John and Elizabeth FIPPARD (PR)
03 Nov 1805 - George son of John and Jane ROSE (PR) [4th child from the marriage of John ROSE to Jenny MOWLAM at St Peters Church on 10th Apr 1797]
10 Nov 1805 - Thomas son of Thomas and Jane CURME (PR)
26 Dec 1805 - John William base born son of Elizabeth MILLS (PR)

02 Jan 1806 - Frances daughter of George and Frances CLARK (PR)
07 Mar 1806 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY (PR)
12 Mar 1806 - Louisa daughter of Mr. George STICKLAND & Fanny his wife (PR) [Note: 2nd child from the marriage of George STICKLAND to Fanny APPLIN at St Leonards Church in Shoreditch on 23rd Dec 1802]
06 Apr 1806 - Thomas son of Thomas and Mary KILBEY a Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
06 Apr 1806 - William son of John and Mary LEGG (PR)
25 Apr 1806 - Jane Forster daughter of Thomas and Susanna CURTIS (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791]
25 Apr 1806 - Robert son of John and Joan MILLER (PR)
25 Apr 1806 - Robert son of George and Ann HANN baptised
16 Jun 1806 - Eliza daughter of Mr. William PETTIGREW & Mary his wife an Officer in the Royal Waggon Train (PR)
16 Jun 1806 - Hanah daughter of William and Sarah HATCH (PR)
18 Jun 1806 - Eliza the base born daughter of Leonora READ (PR)
06 July 1806 - Sarah daughter of Edward and Sarah BARNS a Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
06 July 1806 - Jane Pellow daughter of William and Jane STAMMERS a Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
06 July 1806 - Sarah daughter of John and Ann GATER a Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
01 Aug 1806 - William son of John and Mary WATKINS a Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
18 Aug 1806 - Mary Kennel daughter of Robert and Ann SHITTLER (PR)
    [01 Sep 1806 - Christopher son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised September 17th 1806 and received into the church of Holy Trinity August 2nd 1812 - This entry is in the parish register under 1812 but repeated here for reference purposes - baptism is incorrectly in the IGI as 1st Sep 1806]
    10 Sep 1806 - William Freeborn son of William and Ann ZILLWOOD privately baptised September 10th 1806 and received into the church August the 1st 1809 - This entry is in the parish register under 1809 but repeated here for reference purposes - baptism is incorrectly in the IGI as 15th Sep 1806]
    20 Sep 1806 - Emma Ann daughter of Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised September the 20th 1806 and received into the church December the 9th 1809 - This entry is in the parish register under 1809 but repeated here for reference purposes]
24 Sep 1806 - Ambrose son of Ambrose and Jane HUNT (PR) [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) to Jane KEATS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
    09 Nov 1806 - Lucia Catharine daughter of Mr. Edward BOSWELL & Edith his wife privately baptised November 9th 1806 and received into the church May the 9th 1807 - Note This entry is in the parish register under 1807 but repeated here for reference purposes as also recorded in the IGI under this date. Catherine married the Solicitor Joseph Stone (1797 -1853) at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 23 July 1831]
16 Nov 1806 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Ann HOMER a Serjeant in the 14th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
23 Nov 1806 - John son of John and Susannah DAVIS (PR)
23 Nov 1806 - John son of William and Mary BISHOP (PR)
17 Dec 1806 - Maria daughter of Charles and Elizabeth DUTTON a Soldier in the 14th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
26 Dec 1806 - Elizabeth & Jane daughters of William and Mary Elizabeth LAWRENCE baptised (PR)

14 Jan 1807 - John son of George and Sarah SUMNER a Sejeant in the 14th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
16 Jan 1807 - Jane daughter of William and Lydia NEWBURY (PR)
09 Feb 1807 - Thomas son of Thomas and Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
13 Feb 1807 - Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth HOOPER (PR)
15 Feb 1807 - George son of Thomas and Jane CURME (PR) [Link to more information on George CURME ]
01 Mar 1807 - William son of James and Christian BURDEN (PR)
04 Mar 1807 - James and Frances son & daughter of Jacob and Edith HUTCHINS (PR)
    18 Mar 1807 - Frances daughter of William and John FEACY privately baptised March 2nd 1807 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on July 19th 1808 - This entry is in the HT parish register under 1808 but repeated here for reference purposes Note:- Link to Comments about this family]
15 Apr 1807 - Frances Elizabeth the base born daughter of Mary BARNWELL (PR)
22 Apr 1807 - Susannah daughter of John and Elizabeth SMITH a quarter master in the 14th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
08 May 1807 - Rebecca daughter of William and Mary HUMBLE a farrier in the 14th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
09 May 1807 - Lucia Catherine daughter of Mr. Edward BOSWELL and Edith his wife privately baptised November the 9th 1806 and received into the church May 9th 1807 [Note:-Catherine married the Solicitor Joseph Stone (1797 -1853) at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 23 July 1831]
17 Jun 1807 - Charles Churchill son of Edward and Sarah TOMS (PR)
29 Nov 1807 - William son of William and Elizabeth HUDDART a Serjeant in the 13th Regt of Light Dragoons (PR)
29 Nov 1807 - Elizabeth daughter of Samuel and Grace RANDLE (PR)

06 Jan 1808 - Elizabeth daughter of James and Christiana REYNOLDS (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James RAYNOLD to at Holy Trinity church in Dorchester to Chritiana CLARK on 17th March 1807 ]
06 Jan 1808 - Jemima Payne daughter of Thomas and Susannah CURTIS (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791]
06 Jan 1808 - James the base born son of Sarah KEATS (PR)
13 Jan 1808 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Jane BAILEY (PR)
13 Jan 1808 - Mary daughter of John and Mary MASTERS (PR)
21 Jan 1808 - William son of the Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised by the Revd John PALMER May 28th 1803 and received into the church January 21st 1808 (CR) [Note:- 3rd Child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
    24 Jan 1808 - Ann daughter of John and Elizabeth FIPPARD (CR not in PR? CLDS entry Film Number: 1279495?)
25 Jan 1808 - Henry & Samuel sons of John and Ann DAVIS (PR)
25 Jan 1808 - Mary Ann daughter of John and Jane ROSE (PR) [5th child from the marriage of John ROSE to Jenny [Jane] MOWLAM at St Peters Church on 10th Apr 1797]
21 Feb 1808 - Charles son of William and Tamey EAVES a Soldier in the 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
26 Feb 1808 - Elizabeth & Rebecca daughters of John and Sarah KEATS (PR)
23 Mar 1808 - Richard son of Isaac and Elizabeth MABER (PR)[i.e. 4th child]
03 Apr 1808 - John son of Peter and Sarah BUNCLE a Serjeant in the 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
13 Apr 1808 - Charles son of George and Ann HANN (PR)
04 May 1808 - Thomas son of Samuel and Mary FORSTER (PR)
20 May 1808 - Edmund son of Ambrose and Jane HUNT (PR) [Note:- 11th child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) to Jane KEATS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
26 May 1808 - John son of Hugh and Susannah DOLING (PR)
26 Jun 1808 - Philip the baseborn son of Mary CARTER (PR)
09 July 1808 - John son of William and Joan FEACY privately baptised July 9th 1808 and received into the church of Holy Trinity on July 29th 1808 (PR) [Note:- Link to Comments about this family - This entry is in the HT Parish Register under 29th July 1808]
10 July 1808 - John son of John and Sarah NORMAN a Soldier in the 3rd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
20 July 1808 - James son of Francis and Elizabeth HITCHMOOR a Soldier in the 3rd Regiment of Dragoon Guards (PR)
29 July 1808 - Mary daughter of Richard and Elizabeth LAKE baptised (CR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Richard LAKE to Elizabeth QUIVER at at Thorncombe on 13th Oct 1791.]
29 July 1808 - Elizabeth & Lucy daughters of Richard and Elizabeth LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd an 4th children from the marriage of Richard LAKE to Elizabeth QUIVER at at Thorncombe on 13th Oct 1791.]
29 July 1808 - The following children of William and Joan FEACY were received into Holy Trinity Church having been baptised privately on the dates given (PR) - Benjamin bap January 15th 1792; Sarah bap June 21st 1795; Richard bap Nov 9th 1797; Charlotte June 24th 1801; William bap Dec 17th 1803; Thomas bap May 17th 1805 Frances bap March 2nd 1807; John bap 9th July 1808. [Note:- Link to Comments about this family ]

[Note in Register - Archdeacons Visitation 17th August 1808]

05 Sep 1808 - Charles Samuel and Ellen son and daughter of of George and Eleanor ROWLES (PR)
05 Sep 1808 - George son of George and Clarana HOWARD a Soldier in the 5th Regt of Dragoon Guards (PR)
    [10 Sep 1808 - Robert son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised September 10th 1808 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 - this entry is in the parish register under 1812 but repeated here for reference purposes]
    10 Oct 1808 - George John son of William George and Fanny STICKLAND privately baptised October 10th 1808 and received into the church January 13th 1809 - This entry is in the parish registers under 1809 but repeated here for reference purposes]
21 Oct 1808 - Susannah daughter of Thomas and Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
06 Nov 1808 - Ann daughter of Nicholas and Sarah INGRAM (PR)
26 Dec 1808 - Sarah daughter of John and Mary LOCK (PR)

04 Jan 1809 - John and Eliza son and daughter of John and Dinah HICKS (PR)
    [05 Jan 1809 - Anne Christiana daughter of William & Anne ZILLWOOD privately baptised January 5th 1809 and received into the church August 1st 1809 (PR) - This entry is shown below under August 1st 1809 and inclued for reference purposes only]
11 Jan 1809 - Rebecca Medway daughter of James and Mary HANNEY (PR)
13 Jan 1809 - George John son of Mr. George and Fanny STICKLAND baptised October 10th 1808 and received into the church January 13th 1809 (PR) [Note: 3rd child from the marriage of George STICKLAND to Fanny APPLIN at St Leonards Church in Shoreditch on 23rd Dec 1802]
27 Jan 1809 - Joseph son of Joseph and Mary JACKSON a Soldier in the 15th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
27 Jan 1809 - Emma daughter of Robert and Ann ABLE a Soldier in the 15th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
05 Apr 1809 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Sophia LOCK (PR)
23 Apr 1809 - John son of John and Susannah KNIGHT (PR)
14 July 1809 - Charles son of George and Frances CLARK (PR)
    [Note:- See his father George's burial at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22 Apr 1846 and family memorial tablet originally in All Saints church, but now in the Hardy Chapel of St Peters, which confirms their son Charles CLARK was a Chaplian in the Bengal 1st Regiment and died October 13th 1846, aged 37, after protracted suffering from a severe wound received at the battle of Ferozeshah. His mortal remains are deposited at Soobatten, where officers of his Regiment in testimony and regret have erected a tomb to his memory]
30 July 1809 - Edmund son of Robert and Ann SHITLER (PR)
01 Aug 1809 - William Freeborn son of William and Anne ZILLWOOD privately baptised September 10th 1806 and received into the church August 1st 1809 (PR)
01 Aug 1809 - Anne Christiana daughter of William and Anne ZILLWOOD privately baptised January 5th 1809 and received into the church August 1st 1809 (PR)

[Note in Register - Bishops Visitation September 5th 1809 ]

15 Sep 1809 - Thomas Robert son of William and Mary JONES (PR)
25 Oct 1809 - Frederick son of Joseph and Virtue WHITE (PR)
03 Dec 1809 - Mary Ann daughter of Joseph and Ann HOLT (PR)
09 Dec 1809 - Georgiana Louisa daughter of the Revd William CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised March the 1st 1805 and received into the church December the 9th 1809 (PR) [Note:- 4th Child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
09 Dec 1809 - Emma Ann daughter of the Revd William CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was privately baptised September the 20th 1806 and received into the church December the 9th 1809 (PR) [Note:- 5th Child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
01 Jan 1810 - Samuel and Amelia son and daughter of Samuel and Jane BROWN (PR)
12 Jan 1810 - Henry son of Stephen and Elizabeth VATCHER (PR)
28 Mar 1810 - Thomas son of Thomas and Rachel HOPKINSON (PR)
28 Mar 1810 - William son of Joseph and Abigail DAMON (PR)
23 Apr 1810 - Thomas son of John and Jane ROSE (PR) [6th child from the marriage of John ROSE to Jenny [Jane] MOWLAM at St Peters Church on 10th Apr 1797]
27 Apr 1810 - Charlotte daughter of Henry and Susannah DEWLAND (PR) [Note:- Henry DEWLAND married Susannah DIBBEN in Holy Trinity church Dorchester 16th May 1809]
01 Jun 1810 - Henrietta daughter of William and Joan FACEY (PR) [Note:- Link to Comments about this family]
10 Jun 1810 - Eliza daughter of Edward and Mary LESTER (PR)

[Note in Register - Arch Deacons Visitation July 4th 1810 ]

    [18 Jun 1810 - Thomas son of George & Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised June 18th 1810 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR) - This entry is in the parish register in 1812 but repeated here for reference purposes]
25 July 1810 - Frances daughter of Ambrose and Jane HUNT (PR) [Note:- 12th child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) to Jane KEATS at St Peters Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
22 Aug 1810 - John Augustus son of John and Sarah KEATS (PR)
22 Aug 1810 - Charles son of James and Ann MILLS (PR)
30 Sep 1810 - Thomas son of Richard and Eleanor HOLMES a Soldier in the 82nd Regiment of Foot (PR)
07 Oct 1810 - Avice daughter of Robert and Avice BOWDITCH Private (Sic) Baptised (PR)
19 Oct 1810 - William son of William and Frances FONE (PR)
14 Nov 1810 - Francis Henry son of Mr. Francis OAKLEY and Mary his wife (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Francis OAKLEY to Mary INGRAM at Owermoigne on 17th Dec 1809]

04 Jan 1811 - George son of James and Jane CROCKER (PR)
09 Jan 1811 - Grace Thresher daughter of Robert and Elizabeth ROPER (PR)
09 Jan 1811 - Edith daughter of Thomas and Hannah RAYNOLD (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Rolls RAYNOLD to Hannah CURTIS in the parish of Preston and Sutton Poyntz on 12 Aug 1800]
09 Jan 1811 - Ann daughter of Thomas and Hannah RAYNOLD (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas Rolls RAYNOLD to Hannah CURTIS in the parish of Preston and Sutton Poyntz on 12 Aug 1800]
09 Jan 1811 - Charles son of Thomas and Hannah RAYNOLD (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas Rolls RAYNOLD to Hannah CURTIS in the parish of Preston and Sutton Poyntz on 12 Aug 1800]
29 Jan 1811 - Mary Reynold daughter of Thomas and Susanna CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
27 Feb 1811 - Emma Jane daughter of Robert and Jane OLIVER (PR)
    15 Mar 1811 - George son of William Rush Hallet and Martha CHURCHILL privately baptised (Not in PR at this date) [Note:- 6th and last child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
14 Apr 1811 - James & Jane son and daughter of Richard and Ann MORTON a Serjeant in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
16 Apr 1811 - Mary daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth MABER (PR) [see comments on family above under 16 March 1803; 30 Oct 1805; and 23 Mar 1808
01 May 1811 - Ann daughter of John and Sarah POUNCY baptised
01 May 1811 - William & Ann Son and daughter of John and Sarah POUNCY (PR)
12 May 1811 - Jane daughter of Thomas and Sarah COLLENS a Soldier in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)

[Note in Register - Arch Deacons Visitation May 28th 1811]

09 Jun 1811 - Daniel & Isabella son and daughter of Robert and Hannah POUNCY (PR) [Note;- 3rd and 4th children from the marriage of Robert POUNCY to Hannah PARSONS at HT Church Dorchester on 20th July 1802]
16 Jun 1811 - James son of Jacob and Susannah MILLER (PR)
16 Jun 1811 - Elizabeth daughter of James and Elizabeth SLADE (PR)
21 Jun 1811 - Edmund William son of Edmund and Mary IRONSIDE (PR)
23 Jun 1811 - Cornelius Jukes son of John and Mary MASH (PR)
21 July 1811 - Robert the base born son of Elizabeth COOMBS (PR)
01 Sep 1811 - James son of Michael and Mary FLINN a Soldier in the 9th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
10 Sep 1811 - James Robert England son of Thomas and Susannah CURTIS (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Thomas CURTIS to Susannah SAUNDERS at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791, he married Frances Greening at All Saints Church in 1833]
03 Nov 1811 - John Evomy son of John and Alice NORMAN (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John Evomy NORMAN (1788-1880) to Alice WINSOR at All Saints church Dorchester on 6 Oct 1808]
13 Dec 1811 - Thomas son of William and Elizabeth WEST (PR)

01 Jan 1812 - Mary daughter of John and Jane WOOD (PR) [Note;- Buried aged 5 years Holy Trinity Dorchester 15th Nov 1817]
10 Jan 1812 - William son of William and Ann VACHER (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John VATCHER to Ann HARDY at HT Church on 31st jan 1799]
15 Jan 1812 - Ann daughter of William and Joan FACY [FEACEY or FEACY] (PR) [Note:- Link to Comments about this family]
28 Jan 1812 - George son of the Revd William Rush CHURCHILL and Martha his wife was Privately Baptised March the 15th 1811 and received into the church January the 28th 1812 (PR) [Note:- 6th and last child from the marriage of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL to Martha Unknown circa 1800]
    [20 Feb 1812 - Frances daughter of George & Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised February 26th 1812 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR) This entry is in the parish register in 1812 but repeated here for reference purposes]
01 Mar 1812 - Charles son of Mr. Patrick M ELROY & Elizabeth his wife a Corporal in the 9th Regiment of Light Dragoons (PR)
15 Mar 1812 - Mary daughter of William and Ann ZILLWOOD (PR)
16 Mar 1812 - Mary Reynell daughter of Thomas and Susannah CHURCHILL (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Thomas CHURCHILL from Dorchester to Susannah STANTON from Upwey at her church on 03 Oct 1796]
18 Mar 1812 - Jemima daughter of Samuel and Jane BROWN (PR)
20 Mar 1812 - Georgiana daughter of James and Jane CROCKER (PR)
27 May 1812 - William son of William and Mary BABBAGE (PR)
03 Jun 1812 - William and Frances son & daughter of Richard & Sarah ANDREWS (PR)
19 Jun 1812 - Thomas son of John and Mary HEADON a Serjeant in the 9th Regt of Dragoons (PR)
02 Aug 1812 - Henry son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised May 4th 1805 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR)
02 Aug 1812 - Christopher son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised September 17th 1806 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR)
02 Aug 1812 - Robert son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised September 10th 1808 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR)
02 Aug 1812 - Thomas son of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised June 18th 1810 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR)
02 Aug 1812 - Frances daughter of George and Ann FRAMPTON was privately baptised February 26th 1812 and received into the church August 2nd 1812 (PR)
07 Aug 1812 - Grace Ann daughter of Henry and Elizabeth VIE (PR)
06 Dec 1812 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert Gerard and Ann DAVIS (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Robert Gerard DAVIS to Ann ENSOR in St Peters church Dorchester onn 15 June 1796]
23 Dec 1812 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Ann HATHAWAY a private in the Oxford Militia (PR)
28 Dec 1812 - Elizabeth daughter of John and Mary SPENCER (PR)
30 Dec 1812 - Mathew & Richard sons of Mathew and Grace LUTTLEY (PR)

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